Bill profile picture


R-r-r-real Rock & Roll

About Me

I'm the co-owner of an electrical distributorship ( who always spent far too much money on gnarly, old garage rock records from the 1960's. Needing to justify an affinity for this scratchy, old vinyl and an unhealthy fixation on my glorious high school years from 1963 and 1967, I felt the need to impose my questionable taste in music on an unsuspecting world. The result of this was the erection of a monument to my arrested adolescence. I became a radio disc jockey. That erection, now known as "The Teenage Wasteland", has been headcheese on the pupu platter of WFMU-FM in Jersey City since 1978. This has led to a weekend show at Sirius Satellite Radio on Little Steven's "Underground Garage" channel 25 since 2004. Like Elvis, I married a girl named Priscilla and have two children, neither of whom wants to be listed among my friends on this myspace page because I'm not as cool as either one of them. Little bastards. I'm proud in my claim that I've personally helped kill rock & roll. I'll continue to shovel vermin infested filth on its rotting corpse until I'm dragged kicking and screaming from the studios at both WFMU and Sirius, wetting myself and the carpet as I go.

My Interests

Beisbol bin berry berry gud to Yankees. The Jersey shore. Ducks. Music and record collecting, specifically 1960's garage rock, British intrusion and doo-wopp (correct spelling according to Ronnie I of Clifton Music).

I'd like to meet:

Abraham Lincoln, Mickey Mantle, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Ed Whitey Ford, Yogi Berra, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Kate Winslet, Christie Brinkley, Roky Erickson, Sky Saxon, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Janine Turner, Debbie Harry, Joey Ramone, Molly Ringwald, Teri Garr, Dean Martin, Christa Miller, Groucho Marx, Murray the K, Allan Freed, The Mad Daddy, Wolfman Jack, Gillian Anderson, Alyson Hannigan, Gwen Stefani, Calvin and Hobbes, Ann-Margret, Robert Crumb, The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, Mr. Natural, Lux Interior, Poison Ivy Rorschach, Bo Diddley, Santa Claus


The Ramones, The Cramps, The Beatles, The Kinks and a myriad of 1960's garage bands.


Animal House, Gunga Din, Pride of the Yankees, Clerks, High Plains Drifter, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, My Favorite Year


Fox News, The YES Network, South Park, The Simpsons, The Sopranos, Amos and Andy, The Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, The X-Files, 24, Married With Children, Malcolm In The Middle, My Name Is Earl


"Braindroppings" by George Carlin, "Please Kill Me" by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain, "How To Talk To A Liberal If You Must" by Ann Coulter


Mickey Mantle