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Get Tested Before It's Too Late

It's better to be safe than sorry - get tested before you infect someone else with HIV.

About Me

We are a grass roots organization working to prevent the spread of HIV through regular testing and education.
As a sexually active person, surely you’ve been told that you are responsible for defending yourself against STDs through safer sex practices, and you absolutely are responsible for protecting yourself. So what’s our beef? Protecting other people is equally important. So many people with HIV don’t even know they are infected, and despite this, they can spread the disease just as easily as a person that does know that they carry HIV.
By not getting tested for HIV, even after your first sexual encounter, you put yourself at risk in two ways:
♦if you have contracted HIV (if you become HIV positive), you don’t know you have it unless you get an HIV blood test. You could easily give another sexual partner HIV: do you really want to be the person who gave a loved one HIV? In addition to transmission to others, not getting tested soon after an encounter gives the virus time to attack T-cells and eventually cause AIDS. As with most diseases, early detection and treatment is the key to a long, healthy life. Infections that are dectected and treated within a year are usually maintained with relative ease. If HIV is detected early, you are likely to die of causes other than HIV.
♦ if your body is still HIV negative but your mind has no way to know that, you become a question mark in a web of sexual partners. When person X, an old sexual partner, tests HIV positive and runs to you for answers, you have not helped to find the source of their HIV. Just knowing that you did NOT give person X HIV can protect that person from a life of uncertainty, and you can protect person X’s HIV positive partner by helping narrow down person X’s web: person X’s partner had HIV, too. Did they know about it? If not, person X can tell them and they can get it treated sooner.
With this in mind, get tested after every new sexual partner, and get tested before it’s too late.
Dallas HIV Testing Centers.HIV/STD Testing Center,
-(800) 682-3047.
-3600 Gaston Ave,
-Dallas, TX 75246
Advanced HIV/STD Testing-Next Day Results
-(877) 774-7767
-3600 Gaston Ave Dallas, TX 75246
HIV/STD Testing Center
-(800) 682-3047
-221 W Colorado Blvd
-Dallas, TX 75208
HIV/STD Testing Center
-(800) 682-3047
-2909 S Hampton Rd
-Dallas, TX 75224
Need another location? Find an HIV testing center near you at HIVTEST.ORG.
HIVTEST.ORG is national database of HIV testing sites and answers to many questions about HIV/AIDS and testing. This site is easy to use and well laid out.
The joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS estimates that there are now 40 million people living with HIV or AIDS worldwide. Most do not know they are carring the virus.
In the U.S, approximately one million people have HIV or AIDS, and 40,000 Americans become newly infected with HIV each year.
According to UNAIDS, it is estimated that 24% of all people with HIV in the U.S do not know they are carrying the virus.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦&dia ms;♦How Can you prevent HIV/AIDS?♦♦♦♦♦♦♦&d iams;♦♦
♦Use only latex or polyurethane condoms, Lambskin condoms only provide a false sense of security.
♦Use only water-based or silicone-based lubricants. Latex condoms are virtually useless when combined with oil or petroleum-based lubricants (such as Vaseline or hand lotion), because petroleum products decompose latex.
♦If you plan to get a piercing or tattoo, be sure you are seeing a qualified professional who uses sterile equipment
Database of Tattoo laws in the United States, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Documents typically include piercing laws.
A Directory to Tattoo and Piercing laws in many American states and Australia.
On the page linked above, the "Texas Department of Health..." link is dead. That page has moved to:
Texas Tattoo and Piercing Info
♦Use protection every single time you have sex. Using condoms "most of the time" is not a smart or reliable safer sex method.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦&dia ms;♦♦♦♦♦How does HIV spread?♦♦♦♦♦♦♦&dia ms;♦♦♦♦♦♦
♦Unprotected sexual intercourse(either vaginal or anal) with someone who has HIV.

♦Unprotected oral sex with someone who has HIV.
♦Through a break in the skin, such as a cut or sore.
♦Infection during pregnancy, childbirth, or breast-feeding(mother to infant transmission)
♦Sharing needles or syringes with someone who is HIV infected.

My Interests

Truths about HIV.

Truth #1
HIV is different than AIDS.

HIV is different than AIDS. HIV is an actual virus. AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, can result from HIV. A person has AIDS when HIV has weakened that person’s immune system so badly that the person’s immune system can no longer fight off certain infections and cancers that an HIV negative person’s body would fight off without a problem. A person clinically has AIDS when they either have a T-cell count of less than 200 or when the person contracts an infection or cancer that only affects people with AIDS.
Truth #2
There is no cure or "day after" pill for HIV.

There is no cure or "day after" pill for HIV. HIV is a virus. Unlike a bacterial infection (which can be eradicated from the body), a virus is a permanent addition to the human body. Because viruses are neither active nor alive, there is no way to kill them. HIV is no exception.
Truth #3
You can't get HIV from cough or sneezing.

You can't get HIV from cough or sneezing. Simply sharing the air with an HIV positive person does NOT put anyone at risk for HIV. Both coughing and sneezing can expel mucus and saliva from the body, but mucus and saliva do not transmit (give off) HIV.
Truth #4
You can't get HIV from sharing forks, plates, or cups.

You can't get HIV from sharing silverware, plates, or cups. As mentioned above, saliva does not transmit HIV, so the traces of saliva on silverware, plates, and cups are of no danger in regard to HIV transmission (the passing on of the HIV virus). However, Get Tested Before It’s Too Late doesn’t recommend sharing these things because other diseases, such as mononucleosis(mono), are transmitted through saliva
Truth #5
About 25% of people with HIV dont know they have it.(according to UNAIDS)

About 25% of people with HIV don’t know they have it. According to UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme On HIV/AIDS), one fourth of HIV infected individuals are unaware that they carry HIV. This means that many infected individuals may transmit HIV to another person unknowingly. This is why getting tested for HIV is so important. Each and every person has a responsibility to stop the spread of HIV. By getting tested, you are doing your part to help. After all, HIV cannot spread if no one is giving it to other people. Be proactive and get tested.
Truth #6
You can get HIV at any age, from birth to death.

You can get HIV at any stage of your life from birth to death. Infection during pregnancy, childbirth, or breast-feeding will spread HIV from the mother to the child so it can begin even before you are born.
Truth #7
HIV isnt just a "gay disease". Anyone can get it, straight people too

HIV is not only a disease for homosexuals. Coitus is just as dangerous as anal sex when it comes to hiv because HIV is spread through semen and vaginal secretions. HIV is also present in sweat, tears, vomit, feces, and urine.
Truth #8
HIV is alarmingly common in the 15-24 age group.

At least half of the 40,000 Americans newly infected with HIV each year are under the age of 25. I repeat, at least half of all new HIV transmissions in the US occur in people less than 25 years of age. Roughly two young Americans become infected with HIV every hour of every day, and many of the people now living with HIV in the U.S became infected when they were teeenagers. Internationally, more than seven million people between the ages of 15 and 24 have been infected with HIV

John J. Lanza, MD, PhD, MPH, FAAP, CHD Director


Jessica's note: I'm a bit of a film buff, and of all the movies i've been exposed too, this concept is amazing. I've never seen filmmakers explore HIV/AIDS in such a creative and relevant way.

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Ive never been tested

--> --> I am 29 year old indian male (India ancestory, but born in Guyana) and i live in Bronx, New York.Well, here is my story:Three years ago i met this spanish girl on the internet and me being lo...
Posted by Get Tested Before It's Too Late on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 12:34:00 PST

Get tested

--> -->Please get tested regularly.The drawbacks are much lesser than if you never got tested. I can tell you my own personal experience. I got my hiv test results today and they came back negative. ...
Posted by Get Tested Before It's Too Late on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 12:32:00 PST

Unprotected sex

Well, it all started out when I was 16 years old and I was having unprotective sex with my boyfriend. I didn't think ever this would happen to me, and I don't know why it did. I didn't do anything wro...
Posted by Get Tested Before It's Too Late on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 10:44:00 PST