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About Me

Aware of HIV is what the citizens of this world need to be. Everyone is entitled to education, but many are not able to access this right because of the poverty they live in. Many individuals do not understand what HIV or AIDS are or have misconceptions related to the virus and the syndrome. Much of the AIDS Epidemic in the continent of Africa is to be blamed on their President Mebki. He is very ignorant towards the issue and blames it on their large population that lives in poverty. though poverty is a related cause to why the epidemic has not been trated, it is not the actual reason why HIV and AIDS are an Epidemic in the area. The South African President states that "viruses don't cause syndromes". He also states that scientists' research on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus [HIV] and the Aquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrom [AIDS], are inconclusive and not correlated, as well as a lie. He denies that HIV and AIDS related because he does not want to take responsibility for the healthcare and treatment of his citizens, and by blaming it all on poverty, he will not be the responsible one which is absolutely wrong and cruel.
People need to be aware the AIDS is in fact scientifically proven and studied meticulously to be the predecessor of AIDS. Scientifically AIDS is actually classified as HIV type 2. The HIV/AIDS is able to replicate its RNA so that it can live off of the human being without being destroyed. In the world population of 6.6 billion [according to the U.S. Census Bureau]about 39 million people are infeted with HIV/AIDS. 70% of those infections are men and 30% are infected women. 74% of those are in Sub-Saharan Africa, which gives the right to say that the Epidemic is growing in the African region and can be truely blamed on the President's inability to acknowledge that AIDS is an issue & the Pharmaceutical companies [such as Phizer] who are not willing to lower prices to allow people to afford treatments or even create generic, cheaper versions people can have access to.

My Blog

Aware of HIV: How HIV Is Not Spread

HIV is not spread through casual contact such as : 1.  Hugging 2.  Shaking hands 3.  Toilet seats 4.  Drinking glasses 5.  Doorknobs 6.  Food 7.  Sports activitities...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 07:09:00 GMT

Aware of HIV: Symptoms of HIV

Since the symptoms of HIV may be similar to many other illnesses, a blood test checking for HIV antibodies is the only effective way to determine if a person has the virus. Possible warning signs of a...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 08:52:00 GMT

Aware of HIV: Transmission of HIV

Certainly, many people may have an idea to how HIV can be spread but aren't truely aware of all of the extensive ways that HIV can be transmitted socially from one infected person to another individua...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:55:00 GMT

Aware of HIV: Being informed

is what our future society, as well as our present citizens, need to be. Education is a valuable, incredibly insightful gift and right that many people, among them residents of South Africa, don't hav...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 17:47:00 GMT