This is the preacher of the church I belong to. My kids:
well, NOT people who participate in or egg other people on in negative entropy-causing pursuits in the interest of $ or power or control, NOT people who lie and accuse and defend other people's lies for $ or power, NOT drama junkies who speak falsely against other folks for brownie points with their dope dealers or whatever, NOT dealers, NOT control freaks or abusers of any sort, NOT under-the-table types who won't even 10-99 their labor, NOT syncophantic manipulative time-wasters, NOT Yankees who live down here yet hate and for some unfathomable reason think they are superior to Southerners.....I WANT TO MEET PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN QUALITY AND DO THEIR LEVEL BEST TO LIVE BY THE GOLDEN RULE. (If they read science fiction and Southern lit, like country cooking, play a stringed instrument and would like to jam- that would be freaking awesome.)
Motorhead on the Young Ones
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The Simpsons Movie - Whipping Dogs
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