John Valentine profile picture

John Valentine

From The Institute of Undiscovered Means of Self Satisfaction!

About Me

Kentucky born and bred living in Tennessee. I am a cosmic apparatus for the transformation of food. Interested in all kinds of high weirdness, tales of sin and morality, trading smiles and getting away with it. Drawing circles and trying to stay inside the lines. Armed warrior in the war against normalicy. Strapped with my two favorite normalicy fighting weapons, The Old Rugged Cross Dressers and stop-motion animation , I fight on the frontlines. So come join me and let's get weird!!!!

My Interests

Words, sounds, images, taste, smells, manifestations of the godhead.

I'd like to meet:

Larry Flynt. Because he's from KY just like me with a love for truth, justice and beautiful woman. Everybody else I want to meet are dead.... like Johnny Cash, Hunter Thompson and Lee Harvey Oswald. Other than that I'd like to meet all my friends for some BBQ and a cold beer.


Old Rugged Cross Dressers , whale song, trains, birds, steam pipes, laughter... lots and lots of laughter, combustion engines, wind, guns, crickets, critters, Campfire Songs For The Apocalypse ,breaking glass, the ocean, body functions, garbage trucks, frogs, old houses, rain, sex, and any instrument ever created by human ingenuity and played likewise.


Baraka, The Muppet Movie, Night on Earth, City of Lost Children, Brazil, Naked Lunch, 12 Monkeys, Female Troubles, Wild at Heart, House of 1000 Corpses, The People vs Larry Flynt, PI, The Big Lebowski, Faster Pussycat Kill Kill, Ghost Dog, Towers Open Fire, animation by The Brothers Quay


Kill your television... unless you're watching my animations on TV. Then you should call and demand more of that quality entertainment.


The Great Shark Hunt, Foucault's Pendulum, Magick In Theory And Practice, Prometheous Rising, Liber Null, The Fountainhead, The Ticket That Exploded, Stranger In A Strange Land, and any Philip K. Dick, H. P. Lovecraft, and most books published by Taschen & Loompanics Unlimited.


Villains, rebels, scoffers, blasphemers, infidels, heathens, desecrators, cursers, back-sliders, heretics, ranters, perverts, the ungodly, the indifferent, the graceless, drunkards, sinners, creeps, freaks, weirdos, wise men and guys.

My Blog

Break the Bank with The ORCD

Well if you didn't make it to the FooBar for the Old Rugged Cross Dressers here's just a little taste of what you missed. Sucks for you. ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by John Valentine on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 05:42:00 PST

Samurai Fish

OK, here it is. Samurai Fish! The classic story of three samurai warriors who do battle with a giant evil octopus trying to take over the world. Comes with happy ending for an extra 20 bucks. ...
Posted by John Valentine on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 11:33:00 PST


Well, it had been a clean and sober year so far. But last night I guess Jesus was in his grave sleeping because JV got out unsupervised. It was truly a mission of official business. The Old Rugged ...
Posted by John Valentine on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 08:14:00 PST


Well, thank God it’s Fucking Spring. This Winter was a shitty hibernation. It seemed painful and old. And regardless of what the flesh may scream, Johnny V’s soul is far from and old th...
Posted by John Valentine on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:43:00 PST

Election Results for 2008 Presidential Race

Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early...
Posted by John Valentine on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 06:31:00 PST

Where its at

It will be two weeks tomorrow since I got my new computer and I've finally got to a point where I'm settled into it. There was the whole ordeal of installing all the software that is important to my ...
Posted by John Valentine on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:16:00 PST

JV’s Got A New Toy

After talking about it for 6 months I finally just went and done it. I bought me a big, fat Power Mac today. One with multiple processors and hard drives so I can expand my ministries to all you fine...
Posted by John Valentine on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 07:56:00 PST

Mr. Bobs Old Lady

Mr. Bob has a general want to travel across the oceans from time to time. I fully support this kind of action. It's in the nature of curious primates to seek out the new and the curious. The one down...
Posted by John Valentine on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 04:24:00 PST

JVs State of THe Union 2008

Well, Super Fat Tuesday is now behind us and we have firmly set foot in 2008. And where do we stand? What's the score? What kind of game plan is necessary to win in this high-tension, space age ago...
Posted by John Valentine on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 03:56:00 PST

Diagrammatic Art: Future Speak!

That's one of several new illustrations I've been working on recently. It's my first attempt to create a visual representation of my overall belief system on the way things really are. I titled it T...
Posted by John Valentine on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:25:00 PST