Darryl Monroe profile picture

Darryl Monroe

And she talks to me......me alone....

About Me

VTW, TO BORROW A LINE FROM BARRY GOLDWATER OR MORE ACCURATELY, FORMER CONGRESSMAN JOHN SCHMITZ, "I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THE PRESIDENT GOING TO CHINA, I OBJECT TO HIM COMING BACK" They fucking deserve each other, despite my beautiful S101 LP ripoff {it real is outstanding} China fucking sucks , I have no problem with Chinese people, but I have a huge problem with what China is and rapidly what AMERICA IS BECOMING !.......I'm off to get ice cream... ..And I completely forgot about this site ! http://music.download.com/darrylmonroe/3600-8622_32-10027882 7.html ............................ the preceding has a hell of a lot of shit on it...check it out......as does the following .........http://punkrockers.com/signup/friend_Darryl%20Monro e/..."Pray For The Ice " has moved over to Monroe Monsterious {can be found in top friends below }and "7 and 7 Is " has resurfaced here, "Artic Dogfish" is still relatively new, working on newer stuff....I have spent a lot of effort on still another side project that I am deliberately staying mysterious about, it will take a little hunting to find, it is not in my friends list BUT is on several of my friend's friendlist...I have always loved just plain noise and sound and tape loops of people saying really ridiculous and/or ominious things, so there you have it, sure if you try and/or if you know me and some of the band names I have thrown around over the years you can figure it out, I don't want people to obviously figure out it's me by just telling them, I would like to keep the 2 idenities separate.....I have produced around 7 or 8 songs for this endeavor and it is doing very well on another site if so so here, will push push push........ Also, now have an account with www.punkrockers.com. Just enter Darryl Monroe in the search engine, {or just go to the link above} and it will come up, there are some new and old things over there, there is way less spam and hopefully spyware, very cool site. Hope it grows and grows and grows, enjoy ! Get in touch...D Very sad to report the greatest dog I have ever had the pleasure of owning passed on the 9th of July, 2007, Losing Orion has been a horrible loss, he helped me through some very tough times....I was indeed very blessed to have owned him...he is pictured here with snow pea, who also passed after OVER 20 years of excelent service and Misty, who is still very young and able, also have new dog Sonny, since early this year......Orion, you are missed...one accutely sensative dog.....NEW SITE, NEW SERVICE, LESS SPAM !!!!! Go to punkrockers.com...put my name in the search engine and there I am....this service is a lot more user friendly and a lot more relivant as far as what people might be looking for, at least people who like this site[s} and Meatwagon, speaking of...will also put up a Meatwagon site there as well.....PUT YOURSELF , YOUR BAND, whatever up on this site...... NEW SONG ON THIS SITE, "Artic Dogfish" , I would call it so much a new direction for me so much as a tangent, a expansion. I have no plans to become fucking Billy Joel or something horrible like that, although piano may be my favorite instrument....to anyone who questions the "varacity" {if I spelled that right}of this song.....most of you who know me well know that I am generallly a what you see , what you get kind of guy. I don't claim to be a virtioso musician {or speller} but those who know me know I have drive like no ones business. What I lack in talent I make better by hard effort. And to those who question this song, put your money, or your asshole, where your mouth is.....I can prove it, you will be the one who looks stupid...... Also, a song I pulled recently after being up maybe a week is now reposted on the "Monroe Monsterious" site....there are a couple of things I may tweek about it, might be pulled again and reposted, but it is essentually final and there....and, of course, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely intentional...." ..erHighnessPrincessSnowPea2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" Snow Pea {sometime in 1986 - 1/16/07} R.I.P........................ R.I.P Rob Noxious......................... None of this band shit means a thing ....or I should say, it means a lot , because of the comradely ....the friendships , not just with your band mates but with everyone you have met along the way. More then a few people have taken moralistic shots at me because I play music {Making me, of course, automatically evil} But I don't regret a thing especially when I consider all the friends I have made along the way, not just musicians but wonderful loving people of every type....I am very blessed.....music has been the big bonding element.....That is why it is hard when someone in the extended family passes....2006 has been a very tough year with the passing of Buddy and now , Rob......I haven't actually spoken with Rob in quite awhile but he was always very friendly and warm ....he will be missed.............I am best known, for sure, for my infamous work with the San Diego hardcore band Meatwagon . Meatwagon started in 1987 and continues till this present day. Although my loyalty and commitment to the band is without question I none the less had an urgent need to also do something freeform and uncompromising musically, in message and spiritually {but not always at the same time} Something outside the confines of a normal band. My recording processes are very tedious and time consuming. I would drive anyone crazy who tried to record me, I drive myself crazy. As much as I love music of a wide variety of styles, I also have a love affair with noise and sound. That often comes into play as far as my music goes. I have recorded a lot of different sounds in the field {nature, water, animals, airplanes, machinery or what have you} I like to then manipulate these sounds into something that suites me. The only performer on my recordings is me. I used to use drum machines but I sold em all.... what you hear is me drumming, for better or worse.My mission is to try and create something that is unique to me. I feel this is my responsibility as an artist. My biggest goal, if I can, is to create a whole new kind of music. I am not there yet, I may never get there but I will keep trying until I can no longer play. I released a CD in 2000, then another this year {2006} "Conflictions and/or ""Journey To The Center Of The Id"" which is far more ambitious, everyone agrees it is a big step up over the last one except , of course , my ex -...{adjective delated by artist } wife...The version of "When The Lights Come Back" that appears on this site is actually a whole new take of the song that appeared on the 2000 CD.....Funny, a few people have lamented that I should not of changed from that earlier style, {The 2000 CD or even earlier...the stuff I recorded 20 , 25 years ago here and up in Del Dios} but I have no doubt these same people would say that I never develop or change in a negative way if I had stayed in that same place.....I can't please everyone , and come to think of it, that is not even my fucking mission..... Basic bio stuff: I am originally from the LA area, was heavily influenced by the exploding punk scene in 1977, and moved to San Diego in 1981. Jazz, Classical, old R and B and soul music and anything experimental also has a big influence me. Hopefully this all comes out in my endeavors. I think the best rock ever made was the protopunk stuff from the mid 60ties{Music Machine, Standells, even the Yardbirds - "Happenings 10 Years Time Ago" is, in my mind a punk song} I am on the wrong side of 40 but this has not slowed me down.....thanks to everyone and lots of love to my daughter Christine as well as my significant other...the Barb.... D PS How Could I Fucking Forget ? Big huge thanks to Randy Copeland for designing this site as well as the Meatwagon site!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheesy Video for song "Myopic Cyclops , Book 37" AKA "Eye Of The Storm" Below, filmed by myself at San Diego Zoo...copyright Darryl Monroe 2007 Steel it if you want but give me fucking credit...please...thank you...Darryl object width="425" height="344" .. You know, for years, people have given me shit about liking James Brown, yeah, what the fuck ever, got a lot a shit here, in Brea Beach, where ever about it, then there have been others, great friends , who have been there right with me....and both camps know who they are....and to the people who think I'm wrong for liking JB....you can suck my diarrhea , thank you.....

My Interests


Member Since: 11/13/2006
Band Website: darrylmonroe.com
Band Members: Just Me , The video directly below is a foreign language clip of the XF-103 Thunderwarrior plane I did a song about on this profile...this was, regretfully, only a full scale mock up, but at least we can see what it would of looked like.. The above clip is amazing, for one thing, I would love to be there, where ever that is, because the visability is stunning.....as the video pans from right to left you can see a bright cluster of stars , that would be M-45 "The Pleades". Then the Constellation Taurus with it's red giant Aldebaran, comes into vie. , As the video continues moving to left Orion comes into view, the lower right bright star being Rigel, you can even see the Orion Nebula underneath the close 3 stars making up Orions belt and Betelgeuse , another very large red giant in the upper left hand left...then finally Sirius....this video, at least to me, is the bomb...
Influences: ..... If your talking about bands, music , etc that are influences....Sex Pistols, Germs, Stranglers, The Damned, Metal Urbain, Wire, John Coltrane, James Brown, Charlie Parker, Al Green , Sun Ra, early Wayne Shorter...impressionist classical music like Maurice Ravel, Rolling Stones...Was extremely moved by the protopunk stuff of the 60ties like the Music Machine, Standells, Blues Magoos, Sonics, could go on forever....bla bla... The environment around me influences me as much as anything , I write and play how I feel , how I react to the world and world events, good or bad...very influenced by the Sci-Fi writer Phillip K Dick. {certainly not alone on that one} Have my own indigenous brand of spirituality, I have found god on my own terms....this, too, very much influences me...{Notice I didn't say Christian...or anything else, but if someone wants to be one , or anything else...no problem with me} Humor influences me....It would be a huge lie if I said that women don't influence me.....My neighbors, indirectly , from afar , have been a huge influence....I am more then happy to address my , shall we say, weaknesses......I am a very informed person...way to informed for my own personal mental well being......In short, more then anything, the human experience influences me...just like anyone else...... My favorite films are Japanese or other foreign film.... as well American {or arguably other} films like Hud, The Pianist, Chinatown, L.A. Confidential, The Sand Pebbles...Hitchcock....Noir....1950ties psi-fi movies......soft black and white....The obvious ones like Pulp Fiction........ TV ? Huh ? Go look at AK's web site for that one.....my TV watching is usually confined to TCM , The History Channel, IFC, PBS , and the news propaganda...Alright already, it is obvious I enjoy "24" {but too many fucking commercials} and the "Sopranos" , due to negligence on my part, I didn't get into the other original programs on HBO, I have no doubt, however, I would enjoy them...Oh, I did check out the one , can't remember the name, about the guy that had 3 wives....was completely underwhelmed.... Just read a killer {in every sense of the word }book about the Black Dahlia, "Severed" the one by John Gilmore......The movie that recently came out about the Black Dahlia was a absolute piece of shit , HOWEVER, saw "Uli Ellman's {I think} Black Dahlia" and it makes the other piece of shit film look like a sparkling diamond. So bad, so cheesy, that it might...might...work as a comedy...I bet it cost less to make then "Multiple Maniacs" by John Waters.... but yeah, very , very much interested in that and early L.A. history in general.....History , in all aspects , is my thing....I like to push my mind as much as possible....the Desert and the stars are my temple..{Sirius is my , everything}..I believe that time is not necessarily linear, I believe in the eternal now , was, has been , always will be , is.....And yeah, big time, I believe in parallel worlds..I openly question the big bang ...I think that the moon DID NOT originate from the earth and I think humans actually started here, in North America, we just haven't dug deep enough yet......I also firmly believe that no one, especially myself, has all, or even most , of the answers..and this is very liberating....will ramble on more later....D WW2 DOGFIGHTS, P38 LIGHTNING VS ME 109
Douglas DC-8 Almost Crashes During Landing

Sounds Like: People always say Zappa, which is very strange considering I never was a huge fan, don't dislike him or anything, just don't have and never have had a lot of his records to be "influenced" by and besides..what I have heard , he could play better guitar then me by light years even from beyond the grave ..god rest his soul..I still don't get the comparison but whatever....just trying very hard to be me. Punk/Jazz/Soul/Classical/Rock/Psychedilic/Trance/Hypnotic/En viornment/Just plain noise influenced....love the term "No Wave" although a certain anal assed {redundant} "Purest" I know {who always checks with the books first} would disagree....wink wink...which reminds me !! In San Diego, support Pirate Radio 96.9 or listen on the web, http://www.pirate969.org/ the best radio station ever..... Sure looks like a sea serpant to me, as it would have anyone....wonder how big the biggest of the big is ?
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

T - Shirt, Gas Bag Ego, Nerve blockf

It was suggested to me that I ought a  change t-shirts for my tentative album cover, well, I did, thus the hammered into the ground infinity affect ,  which, I admit, I am a total sucker b...
Posted by Darryl Monroe on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 12:41:00 PST

Blog blog blog, more blog.....

Let's see, nothing earth shattering to report. Me and Barb had lunch with my daughter, Christine in San Clemente by the pier......there is no one I love more and there is nothing I prefer doing....god...
Posted by Darryl Monroe on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 07:35:00 PST

Oh, and also....

How could I forget to mention this ? Yesterday, Monday actually, I bought another piece of land , 1.46 Acres up in Pinyon Pines, which is about an hour and half away from right here where I am lying i...
Posted by Darryl Monroe on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 03:33:00 PST


This will likely be short and sleep or,ah sweet, as I can barely keep my eyes open....I noticed, at least on my end , that once again it is a total bitch to get the player {You know, the player that p...
Posted by Darryl Monroe on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 02:56:00 PST

Give me a few moments.....Reposting of "Flame Out "

I gotta buy useless shit on ebay and I have to go to the doctor for my bum foot.....when coment in volume about reposting of "Flame Out " later....D
Posted by Darryl Monroe on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 10:04:00 PST

Myspace, browsers, WTFUCKINGF , My sometimes player

Ummmm....I noticed there was a fair drop off of traffic this weekend, maybe everyone is taking it off, maybe you are all tired of me , I don't know, no big...not even the fucking point....what is the ...
Posted by Darryl Monroe on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 02:21:00 PST

Flame Out flames out ?????

No, due to reasons that are personal man {!} {Don't even fucking ask} Flame Out is taking a break, but once it regroups it will be back ! Nuff Said ! Late....d...Oh, PS: Why am I hungover, well, a few...
Posted by Darryl Monroe on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 01:31:00 PST

Hello again to Erin/ Ego Problem ? Me ???? Drums in REAL TIME. Ak Scurgis...

Because I like saying hello to Erin....so there.....          Ego Problem ????? Duhhhhhhh.....Just wanted to add that the drums that I beat out on "Flame Out" w...
Posted by Darryl Monroe on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 02:27:00 PST

Special Hello to....

    Erin, very very happy to have you as a friend......lov...D
Posted by Darryl Monroe on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 01:44:00 PST

XF-103 Thunderwarrior has flown off to.......

the "Monroe...." site, which you can find below in my top friends.....as stated in an earlier blog, this song is a bit to uncomfortably close to the new "Flame Out" song, something , oddly enough, I w...
Posted by Darryl Monroe on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 02:44:00 PST