ANother andy profile picture

ANother andy

About Me

Bristol Palin - Outta Control
Forget Sarah Palin, I wanna fuck Bristol !!! I want to make a retard baby with her, shave her pubic hair, and have her suck daddy's cum, etc, you know, the usual...July 08 update.....I just wanted to express my graditude towards the ffine people at Pontiac who put in the cigarette lighter that came with my car {Tweekermobile FYI} I plug my piece of shit 4 channel cassette ''recording studio" , and record the lush pieces you hear here...I plug everything else in there as well, my appliances and my fashion accessories ......As you may of noticed, I have been on the move, from Argus, up to the barren wasteland of Keller, down to the Barker Ranch where I heard a whole new set of voices..down to Slab City and the OH MY GOD HOT SPRINGS, when I took off my clothes there all the other nudist ran away screaming.....tweek can be sooo hard on the body...I am now staying just south of Ludlow , Ca at the site of a old ghost town called, appropriately, " Ragtown" , just me and my 4 track machine that is missing the lid , my realistic mics and all my other smelly possessions , thank god tweekercar has a huge trunk....I am very well hidden, I don't want to be found , so don't come lookin for me......I need space to be brilliant ! ................................The following update is now outdated as far as location goes..Hello, the short version....myspace was kind enough to delete my last page after amassing over 3000 hits and friends all over the world....lovely....I just can't for the life of me figure out why ???? I was recently "relocated" to Keeler, Ca after being run out of Trona on a rail, who do they think they are ? Rancho Sante Fe or something ? Keeler is even more barren then Trona, this really is the end of the fucking world, the dust storms here are lethal, the huge dry expanse of what used to be Owens Lake is just as beautiful as Searles dry lake...this one is better however as this one was destroyed by the folly of man kind...not ice age global warming....I have a more conventional site but it is here that I press the envelope a bit with my love of noise, loops , and bad taste.....after all , you don't want a toilet with good taste, you want a toilet that taste good......" 355" .. Update 4/23/08 My neighbors are starting to look at me very funny, I am paranoid, I am considering relocating to Antartica...Update, very early May 2nd.....just wanted to add, the picture below that says Los Colinas was taken by myself the day , or evening, that Cindy Sommer got released, regretfully , none of the pictures I took of Miss Sommer turned out, all blured..but it was dark and I was photographing a moving target, surronded by reporters and it was getting dark....I would of been right up there with the reporters but the Sheriffs chased me off the property proper....You are not supposed to fascinated with Women's Prison.....goddamn.....but yes, I am not beyond fantasing about captive women, and women with issues ? Kowafuckingbunga ! .. Having been away in Florida and Georgia for a couple of weeks , I was not able to keep up with my earthquake analysis , this may be indeed something I retouch on at a latter time.......stay tuned.....D Call me a fucking fag, cunt, IDGAf ! I love The , I don't have a disco suit in my closet, most disco records, of course, duh, are horrible, how astute of you to notice, but this ratio of shit applies to many things and genres of music.....if not every genre.....most is at a minimum passable or mediocre , and that is being kind......and , of course, there is the occasional gem here and there.....most modern punk rock is awful, but not get the picture and we couldn't talk about anything more man's "Fuck NO !" is anther man's or wooooman's diamonds.....

My Interests


Member Since: 4/22/2008
Band Members: Another Andy Gump Human Toilet and Power Bidet, all instrumentation along with noise and loops of other people saying really fucked up shit.... ... Doctor Fined For Paying Ticket With Feces-Smeared MoneyDecember 10, 2004BURLINGTON, Iowa -- Talk about dirty money! An Iowa psychiatrist has to pay a $250 fine -- after he was accused of smearing feces on bills used to pay a $5 parking ticket.Psychiatrist Dr. Ronald Preston McPike was charged with harassment of a public official. He pleaded not guilty, but was fined $250. Police said McPike claimed the money fell into a toilet.According to authorities, the money was in an envelope labeled, "Foreign brown substance on bills." Lab test showed the stains were from excrement smeared on the bills.Prosecutors had pushed for the maximum of 30 days in jail and a $500 fine, saying the crime was disgusting. McPike's lawyer said his client made a serious error in judgment and his psychiatric practice has suffered because of it. The Associated Press
Influences: WHiTEHOUSE, Charles Manson, Cynthia Sommer, The German Sheppards, Screamers, Nervous Gender, Furry Couch, The Alan Parsons Project, The New Satanic Minstrals, Shortwave Radio Noise, Ice pipe, The fucking cold war, Idi Amin, etc..... anything that is psychotic.... We fucking love Cindy here.....for someone who has pooped out 4 kids, your da shit babe.......Women of questionalbe background really float my to speak...
Sounds Like: SHIT ! ..
Record Label: zomoid

My Blog

Sarah Smile for the picture...

I am pleased as a fly on diahrhea that Mrs Palin is not fading into the tundra. Of course I am glad as fuck her and the old man didn't win, however, it is wonderful to have her around because she make...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Nov 2008 18:10:00 GMT

Actually , now I am thinking.....

    I wanna do Willow Palin , I want her to have my baby, and like me and Bristol's baby ,  if we had one,  it will be very, very....ah....a.special...All three heads of the p...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 03:43:00 GMT

Idenity crisis ?????

As my fine readers may of noticed, I have changed the name of this, ah, band, like 10 times in 5 minutes....I am actually quite fond of all the names but will likely revert back to the "Andy Gump" mon...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 12:22:00 GMT