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Get wise or laugh trying

About Me

French London based Actor/improviser/saxophonist/workshop leader/Member of the Stuttgart's Delight burlesque collective.
I devised a workshopping / jamming format - the Far Games - to make improvisation accessible to all and get experienced performers to work alongside great beginners.
I believe we can all learn from each other. Improvisation is a tool that can change the world, cure cancer and make us all filthy rich!... Ahhh Ha Ha Ha Haaaa... Trivia: I trained the actors for the first ever Yemeni Feature Film A New Day in Old Sana'a and boy that was fun! Thanks Bader for having me!
Improvisation walks on two legs: relaxation and focus. We use warming up exercise to get us there but experienced improviser can also “snap into it”.
The idea is to abolish self-consciousness by shifting your focus to your environment and fellow players. Once you’ve achieved this state, the world is your playing ground.
See for more or book yourself in.
Mass suicide or voice warm-up? (Beginners workshop Septembre 2007)
Building poetic machines in Provence (Improv retreat August 2007)
Far Games workshop at the Rag Factory, London (June 2007)
Far Games workshop at the Rag Factory, London (June 2007)
(c) Ian Potter/The Far Games

My Interests

Facebook anyone?

Yum yum
Daring to be silent, trying something new, mixing beginners with old pros, finding the game (says John Wright), listening, being surprised, falling into the present, letting the body be. Nothing to fear but fear itself.

Far Games workshop:
The BoyzBand Routine
London 2007

Yawn yawn
Talking, talking, talking, one liners, performers fighting for attention, auto-pilot (same format, same mix of people, forever…), safe play, cleverness…

As a Pastafarian I belong to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster .

I'd like to meet:

Anyone really. And actors, improvisers, puppeteers, musician, teachers, consultants, community workers etc. based in London or not.
I would also be interested to meet cognitive psychologists researching/willing to research acting and improvisation. We're planning a multidisciplinary performing company for 2007 and we'd love to have a Cognitive Behaviourist in Residence (no really).

Also if you're based in London or visiting often, you might be interested in the London Actors and Improvisers Meetup Group . We get together once or twice a month to practice our skills and gently confuse tourists and Londoners alike. This is wat we do... With the Stuttgart's Delight:

Improvisation warm-up in the park:

And this is my Life Coach Guru twin...

Dave Dupont
Your personal Video Coach [email protected]
Shaolin Business School of Neuro Kinetic Implementation
-------------------------------------"The laptop is our sword"

Dave is available for motivational talk, wedding and Bar Mitzvah, as seen on youtube by literally dozens of people!!! BOOK NOW!

Free tip #1
The importance of
presentation skills

"If you haven't yet realise the importance of presentation skills then this video is for you."
See all his free tips there .


Woody Allen
He’s a living god. The shame is most people will only realise that when he’s dead.

Eric Cartman
Of course Eric has his shortcomings. For one he didn't think of (Red), the smart way to make money out of other people misery. But that's only because his mum does all the shopping.

Julia Roberts for not shaving her armpits before attending a premiere, which helped thousands (millions?) of fashion journalists and columnists around the world pay their rent.

John Coltrane
Each time he played his saxophone he initiated a big bang in a parallel universe and started a new cycle of life. But he kept pretty cool headed about it.

My Blog

London Impro Buzz

I've started attending "The School Of Night", a new drop-in at the London's actor centre on Mondays. It's a collective with many facilitators taking it in turns and interesting projects too. Dylan Em...
Posted by Remy on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 10:26:00 PST

A question of space

Teaching improvisation is presumptuous. You just have to let people become aware of their own capacities. There is a dual space to find. Awareness to the inner-space gives the strength to be exposed ...
Posted by Remy on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 02:27:00 PST