Living & Laughing
You, IF you can go for your dreams and not care how you look getting there.
SO SO MANY.......except punk......anything from Johnny Cash-Prince-Patsy Cline-Edith Piaf-Little Hawk-Lane Turner- Luther-A Fine Frenzy and U2. Barenaked Ladies were great at the Beacon.
True Romance, Arsenic and Old Lace, Memento, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, Princess Bride, Dangerous Liasons, Scaramouche, the Maltese Falcon, Auntie Mame, Godfather, Annie Hall, Young Frankentein, Sophie's Choice is such a painful film to watch, but the acting....WOW.....EVERYONE.........let us not forget my first favorite- Bambi
Loved working on Cashmere Mafia! As far as watching, thank goodness for TIVO!! Heroes, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, the L Word, The Daily Show, Myth Busters, 30 Rock, SNL ,CNN junkie (NOT that I believe everything that our news people have to report to us!)
The Fountainhead, West With The Night, A River Runs Through It, anything Dr. Seuss, Christopher Durang, Theresa Rebeck, Stephen Adly Guirgis, Stoppard, Edward Albee,Pinter.......too many to list. Sam Shepard is my favorite today.......hmm.....wouldn't mind meeting him.
Mary Wilcomb & Maggie Flanigan