Binky Jackmouth: Son of a Tsimpshean Indian chief, Binky Jackmouth was born in 1977 in Dover, Ohio. Eighteen years later, he came to Marietta College and soon established himself as quite the ladies man and a good dancer. Known as "Gooseballs" to his close friends, Binky dominated the History Department at MC, earning him the coveted Fenner Fowler Award (since renamed the Binky Jackmouth Smartguy Award). Upon matriculating to Washington State University, Binky quickly earned his Master's Degree in just over three years and opted against the Ph.D. program in order to devote more time in pursuit of his first love: green sweatshirts. He resided in his Mom's basement and fought crime until moving to the Dirty Souf to set up franchises. He also likes American football. In the Jackmouths, Binky provides the songwriting and hairiness.
Juicer Jackmouth: Born in 1976 in upstate New York, he began the guitar at age 3, then never played again. Declared a genius at age 9, he has grown gradually dumber ever since. Juice played the "new kid in class" role for the better part of 18 years, including a short stint as an usher at small 3-screen movie theater which allowed him to master Ms. Pac Man. After four dazed years at a camp for rich kids for "college," he spent some more time in rainy Washington, where he met his band/soulmate Binky Jackmouth. Juice is now an obsessive-compulsive living in the Midwest. He enjoys making fun of others (as a condition of his insecurity), ping pong, and sighing. The ladies appreciate his slow wit, talk of puppydogs and icecream, and grill. His influences include Icelandic dance music, mayo, Brit Pop, jet planes, and Henry Weinhard's. The Juice plays guitar, the turntable, the skin flute, and sings.