Online Gaming, Reading, Music, Art & Artists, Crafting, New and interesting people, Rainy Days, Dancing, Shopping, Shoes, Tattoos and Body Modification.
Come join the darker side of life, Pinned Up Productions is currently looking for models for Cyanide Dolls. We at Pinned Up Productions believe beauty comes in ALL shapes and sizes, we only ask you be at least 19 years of age, and have a genuine interest in becoming a commission based on-line model, with a flare for Gothic fashion. Piercings and tattoos are encouraged though not necessary for consideration. Must be willing and able to travel once or twice a month to the Middle Tennessee area, for photography, meetings, and fun get togethers.For more information on becoming a model, send an e-amil to with a subject line of Questions.
I like a little of everything really.
Saw I & II, Memiors of a Geisha, The Secretary
CSI, DR.WHO, Survivor, Heroes
MySpace Tickers: CoolSpaceTricks.comThe Story of O, and whatever happens to catch my eye.
Let me get back to you on that one LOL