Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) profile picture

Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz)

Screwing my courage to the sticking place...

About Me

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1.) I am not approving friend requests for anyone under the age of 18, unless I know you personally. One of the reasons for this is that I do not approve friend requests without first viewing your profile. If your profile is set to private, I can not view it.
2.) There are two things in my life which I hold sacred - my music and my spirituality. While my music preferences span a broad spectrum, it is pretty much confined to metal, rock, blues, grunge and alternative. I love everything from Fear Factory to Nick Cave to Shooter Jennings. I generally do not like rap or hip hop (with very few exceptions). So, if you send me a friend request, and you have nothing but hip hop or fucking Kenny G and Duncan Shiek on your music list, you aint getting added. As far as the spirituality goes - I am an AGNOSTIC PAGAN. Agnostic, from the Greek "a" - meaning "without" and "gnostic" meaning "knowledge". Agnostics believe that it is impossible to find absolute proof of the existence of any particular god, nor is it possible to find absolute truth in any spiritual belief or dogma. Agnosticism demands a skeptical view of any religious doctrine that offers itself up as "the one true way". Agnostics are not atheists, we do not vehemently deny the existence of god or a godhead. Many Agnostics are highly spiritual people who believe in the existence of something, they just can't decide what to call it. I consider myself an Agnostic Pagan, because the spiritual beliefs that I find most acceptable are those which belong to the old religions. If I absolutely had to subscribe to a particular relgion (I'm talking gun to the head here), I would most likely choose Zoroastrianism (or Manichaenism or the traditions of the Yezidis.) I have nothing against the Old or New Testament, and I have nothing against Jesus. But Christianity as a religion does not work for me, mostly because I can break down every single aspect of the religion and tell you exactly which Ancient Near Eastern religion the Christians stole it from. Christianity is the least original of all religions, and is actually a composite of Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaenism, and Egyptian, Sumerian, and Babylonian relgions. In addition, it is one of the most close-minded religions. (Well all of the Big 3 monotheisitic "revealed" relgions - Judaism, Islam, Christianity - are all extremely closed-minded.) I have no patience for individuals who are so blind and naive that they think there is only one way that is right for everyone. That is primitive thinking. Evolve damnit! Therefore, if you send me a friend request and you are a Christian, or are "trying to meet a nice Christian lady", you most likely aren't getting added back. No religious fundamentalists of any kind allowed!
And do not even think of sending me a message calling me a heretic or informing me that I am going to hell. And don't offer to pray for me to find the way, or tell me how to become a born again Christian. No thanks, I was born ok the first time. And there is no such thing as being "born again". I have nothing against Christ, for the record. It's his followers that fuck it up. Don't even think of quoting scripture at me either, I was raised by fundamentalist, Christian Millenarians. I have, and continue to study the Bibly inside and out, and I have studied world religions extensively. I probably know your religion better than you do. I can go round for round with you, and I guarantee you that, in the end you will give up exasperated, without swaying me one bit. I am an anthropologist, and I have complete reverence toward all belief systems. That does not mean that I will have them forced down my throat. The Burning Times are over, but never forget how quickly those policies of hate can be resurrected. Now I'm sure this will probably piss some other people off, but I'm going to say it anyways. You always hear survivors of the Jewish holocaust saying how they will never forget, or let future descendents forget, lest it happen again. I agree, and I happen to think that anyone who values religious freedom needs to remember what was done to millions of Europeans suspected of witchcraft, at the hands of the Holy Roman Church. Millions of innocent men and women were brutally tortured and murdered, most of the time because a neighbor, mistress or busybody got bored or jealous and decided to accuse someone of witchcraft. A big motivating factor was land acquisition, for, in many European countries including France, the accusor received a chunk of the accused's land. (Did everyone fail to see the problem with this system?) Closer to home, millions of Native Americans were brutally killed or forced to give up their traditional belief systems as the European presence began to dominate, and the witch craze terrorized New England as the Salem Witch Trials condemned many innocents to the gallows. The practice of terrorizing and murdering innocent people because they are suspected of believing differently than you is not something that Christ would advocate. Think about Christ's teachings and really truly understand them, before you start going around calling yourself a Christian. I think he would be pretty ashamed of most of you.
3.) Yes, I am a Slipknot fan. I've known Slipknot since some of you jackasses were in the second grade. I was the first person on the West Coast to write an article on them and predict that they would be the next "big thing". No one believed me at the time, but I was right. While I am glad that my boys have an enormous and devoted fanbase, that does not mean that I want to be friended by every 15 year old Maggot on their page. So, please quit sending me messages that read "wow. ur hawt. u like slipknot. ur kool. wat is ur fav song? do u no the lirics? be my frined, i am hot 2. we have lot in kommen. i am 15." If I get one more of these stupid fucking messages, I am going to fucking go nuts!!! Yes, I love Slipknot, my favorite song is and always will be Spit It Out, yes I know all of the lyrics, including the alternate food parody that Corey made up, which caused me to laugh so hard I pulled a muscle in my back. No, I will not be your friend. No I dont have all that much in common with most 15 year olds. Learn to spell!!! Intelligence and manners will get you on my friends list much faster than a few common interests! And please for the love of god and all that bleeds do not send me a message that says "Hey, I seen u r into Slipknot (or any other band on my favorites list for that matter). We sound like them, so you will like us. You should add us!" ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!! First of all - BULLSHIT!!!! How dare you put yourself in the same category with a band that has completely broke every fucking mold that was ever made!!! If I see anything that even remotely resembles a request like that, then it is an immediate ACCESS DENIED!
4.) If you can't write me a message consisting of full sentences, relatively free of grammatical or spelling errors, I would prefer it if you please did not bother. None of this stupid abreviated code shit - It is "what", not "wat", "you are" or "you're" not "ur", and "sex" is just "sex", none of this retarded "s3x" shit or whatever it is. "Love" is just "love", not
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Here are some bands that you really ought to add.

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My Interests

I'll fill this shit out again when I have more energy. I'm so tired of getting hacked by doofuses. Whats the plural of doofus - doofii?Just a few - Watchers. Nephelim. Angels. Demons. God. Gods. Satan. Paganism. Witchcraft. Magick. Enochian Wisdom. Book of Enoch. Andrew Collins. The Old Ways. Voudoun. Santeria. Candomble. Carl Jung, Jungian Philosophy, Psychology of Religon. Anthropology. Archaeology. Art History. History -(Specifically ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Persian, Roman, Greek, Mayan, Aztec, Cherokee, Native American in general.) Freemasonry. Knights Templar. Knights Hospitaller. Rosicrucianism. Max Heindel. Astrology. Tarot. Numerology. Prophetic Dreams. Sleep Paralysis. REM state. Entities. Poltergeists. Hauntings. Graveyards. NDE's. (Near Death Experiences. Although Near Duff Experiences are equally as fascinating and baffling, lol.) Rennes le Chatteau. Berrenger Sauniere. The Sauniere Society. Chris Dawes. Rat Scabies. Grail Hunting. Da Vinci Code type of shit. Preserving the Environment. Writing. Music. Publicity. Driving around at night listening to music while chain smoking Dunhills. Film Noir. Jimmy Stewart. Alfred Hitchcock. Getting into long philosophical diatribes and debate with some of my beloved intellectuals - Judy, Jim, Jewell, Heidi, Tim, and anyone else who can keep up.

I'd like to meet:

Your mom.
For 18 years the person I wanted to meet most in the world was Duff McKagan. After years of heartbreaking near misses, which I eventually started to refer to as NDE's - Near Duff Experiences, lol - I finally met the man himself, at a charity benefit that Velvet Revolver played last fall in Agoura Hills. (Actually I met him at the restaurant next door, lol, along with his wife and brother and sister.) He couldn't have been nicer, and his whole family was very nice too. So yay! But I wouldn't mind meeting him again!!!!!!!

Recently I met the funniest 5 men on the planet, the Kids in the Hall! They are just as funny in person as they are on tv. They have been cracking me up for years. Here are some of my favorite clips.


The Cult, Guns n Roses and anything GnR related - Duff McKagan, Izzy Stradlin, Slash, Gilby Clark solo stuff, Neurotic Outsiders Velvet Revolver, Fear Factory, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Soundgarden (or anything involving Chris Cornell), Alice in Chains, Stone Sour, Slipknot, Rob/White Zombie, Concrete Blonde, INXS, The Doors, The Tea Party, Jeff Martin, The Ramones, New York Dolls, Sex Pistols, Social Distortion, Machine Head, The Panic Channel, Heart, The Church, Echo and the Bunnymen, The Stone Roses, The Replacements, Jesca Hoop, VAST, The Mansfields, Ascension of the Watchers, Jeff Buckley, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, Cyclefly, Mako, Rulers of the Planet, A Boy, Ambrose, Suicide Holiday, Gods of the Radio, Ashley Winters, Ghost of the Robot, Steve Sellers, James Marsters, Jupiter Crash, Sick at Heart, Kevin Carlberg, Camp Clovenhoof, Firebird Trio, Ten Count Junky, Cursed Lullaby, T-Rex, David Bowie, Iggy and the Stooges, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, The Eagles, Patti Smith, Velvet Underground, Nina Simone, Charlie Sexton, Arc Angels, Johnny Cash, Patsy Kline, Travis Tritt, Shooter Jennings, Waylon Jennings, Great Northern, Faith No More, Theorotica, Queensryche, Testament, Fate's Warning, Sanctuary, Nevermore, Skid Row, L.A. Guns, Bang Tango, The Throbs, Scum of the Earth, Killingbird, Skyla Talon, Suicide Holiday, Generation Beautiful, Blackbird, Shortie, Tenfold, Severance, Papa Roach, Deftones, Spank Me Naughty, Darien Starr, The Nymphs, Sisters of Mercy, Ministry, Bauhaus, Love and Rockets, Siouxie and the Banshees, Cyclefly, Transvision Vamp, Psychedelic Furs, Simple Minds, Tears For Fears, Duran Duran, old U2 (anything after Rattle and Hum blows), Max Q, Depeche Mode, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Led Zeppelin, The Black Crowes, Rush, Odetta, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Michael Buble, Billie Holiday, Etta James, Dead Can Dance, Lisa Gerard, This Mortal Coil, Symptom Zero, Mindless Self Indulgence, And One, Rammstein, - the list goes on and on...


Classic horror flicks and film noir. Anything with Jimmy Stewart or Kim Novak. Anything Hitchcock. Anything David Lynch. Vertigo. Bell, Book and Candle. Rear Window. True Romance. The Mummy (the original one). The Wolf Man. Frankenstein. Dracula. Creature From the Black Lagoon. Gladiator. Kingdom of Heaven. Da Vinci Code. Revelations. The Seventh Sign. The Black Sleep. The Devil Bat. The Lost Boys. Interview with the Vampire. Bram Stoker's Dracula. House on Haunted Hill (original). Haunting of Morella. The Body Snatchers. Bride of Satan. Daughters of Dracula. Wicker Man (the original). The Star Wars and Lord of the Ring and Harry Potter sagas. Sid and Nancy. Singles. Reality Bites. Zoolander. Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy. 11:14. Lost Highway. Mullholland Drive. Nadja. Mallrats. Clerks. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Austin Powers (all of them). Dogs in Space, Frankenstein Unbound (both are Michael Hutchence movies, RIP.)


Buffy, Angel, Hex, General Hospital, Supernatural, House, Lost, Bones, Smallville, Heroes, Kids in the Hall, King of the Hill, Malcolm In the Middle, Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother, the Young Ones, The Munsters, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Forever Knight, Liquid Television, Beavis and Butthead, Ren and Stimpy, Amazing Stories, American Gothic, V, Designing Women, Mary Tyler Moore, Rhoda, (hey no one said it had to be current tv! That's why there's Nick-at-night fool! lol) Who Wants To Be a Millionaire, Jeapordy, pretty much anything on the History or Discovery channels. Recently - THE TUDORS!!! (Dear God that show is good!) I recently saw Rome for the first time too, absolutely stunning. Blood Ties. Drive (did they cancel it already? WTF?)


Yeah I spent along time on this and it keeps getting hacked. So I'm just going to list a few for now - From Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race by Andrew Collins, and Rat Scabies and the Holy Grail by Christopher Dawes. Anything by Edgar Allen Poe, William Faulkner, Oscar Wilde. And of course I love the trendy stuff like Dan Brown's Angels and Demons and Davinci Code, as well as Anne Rice - especially The Witching Hour, Queen of the Damned, Merrick and Blackwood Farm. Fallen Host by Lyda Morehouse. Anything by Terry Pratchett. I love the poetry of T.S. Elliot, W.B. Yeats, Percy Shelly and Maya Angelou. I loved "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings". Love Langston Hughes. Dion Fortune. I spend most of my time reading books on history, art history, archaeology, anthropology, speculative or "alternative history", spirituality, pyschology and the occult. Carl Jung - Four Archetypes, and Psychology of Religion, Joseph Campbell - Hero With a Thousand Faces, Sir James Frazier - The Golden Bough. Anything by Lord Colin Renfrew. That's enough for now.


Joseph Campbell. Carl Jung. Dion Fortune. Andrew Collins. Chris Dawes, Rat Scabies and Richard Bellia. Alex Jones. Maya Angelou. Duff McKagan. Johnette Napolitano. Nick Cave. Chris Cornell. Brian Tichy.

My Blog

Yet Another R.I.P.- George Carlin - The Man Who Changed Forever My View of the English Language

GOD I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF DEATH THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!! I just went to the funeral for my dear friend Traci Michaelz on Friday. I was so upset over his sudden passing from what they believe to be a bra...
Posted by Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 02:19:00 PST

When the Music is Loud, We all Get Down....

Music Is what keeps me going. :) It's been a while since I gave you the run down of bands that you should be listening to or on the look out for. Now that American Idol is over with for another seaso...
Posted by Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 07:09:00 PST

All my life I have been waiting to experience that one magical moment...

I am of course talking about witnessing a Triple Crown win. I have been watching thoroughbred horse racing since I was about 7 years old. By the age of 9 I could read a racing form, by 11 I could han...
Posted by Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 03:37:00 PST

Attention Bands - Or anyone sending a friend request (Must we really go through this again???)

Um, ok, here's the deal... I am not a dog. I don't respond well to commands or demands. So, if you send me a friend request or message saying ADD US! Or the "Add us or delete us, don't waste our time...
Posted by Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:00:00 PST

Mercury Retrograde Begins Today.....

I just wanted to let you know that Mercury goes retrograde today. If you have a suit of armor, best put it on now just to be safe! Or at least a helmet and some knee and elbow pads! It does so three ...
Posted by Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) on Mon, 26 May 2008 09:29:00 PST

Interview with the Interviewer???

After 13 years of interviewing bands, or arranging for bands I am working with to get interviewed by others, someone contacted me and wanted to interview me! What a trip! I was a bit hesitant at firs...
Posted by Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) on Sat, 24 May 2008 08:51:00 PST


NICK CAVE BE HIS NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICK CAVE AT THE FREAKIN' HOLLYWOOD BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *faints* I'm so fucking excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Hollywood Bowl is only the best fucking pl...
Posted by Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) on Mon, 05 May 2008 06:13:00 PST

Happy Birthday, Brother

Shane, wherever you are, I hope you are safe and well and having a good day. I love you and I pray that things are ok in your world, and that I will see you again one day. I wish you were around so t...
Posted by Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:54:00 PST

Im Looking Around For the Other Signs of the Apocalypse...

Because I’m happy!!! And I have been all week. :) I wont go into details now, but, like my mood status says "I don’t want to come back down from this cloud, it’s taken me all this t...
Posted by Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:55:00 PST

Grace Carry Me Home.... The OShea Brothers Bring Us The Next Great Thing Out Of Ireland!

Man, these guys remind me of just how proud I am of my Irish heritage... Not to take anything away from my Cherokee, Portuguese, English or German heritage. But it is St. Patrick’s Day, and the ...
Posted by Starr (R.I.P. Traci Michaelz) on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:54:00 PST