GAGI profile picture


We are the Change

About Me

Generation Against Global Injustice (GAGI) is a group dedicated to raise a global awareness of social injustice by mobilizing the youth with creative events and projects. We run with the slogan "Congregate, Advocate, Educate." Through GAGI, we hope to influence the youth by empowering them to stand up and join the fight against poverty. This generation can truly make the change!
Generation against global injustice started back in the August of 2006. Michael Kang, back then 15 years old, wanted to do something to prevent the tragedies that many people face due to injustice. Starting out as a high school club, GAGI has now reached out to several areas in the United States as well as Australia. Michael is now a high school student in Southern California and continues to stir a movement among the youth.
GAGI seeks to congregate youth across the world to help them realize their power and potential to actually impact the world and truly make a difference
GAGI seeks to educate our generation to be aware of the millions of lives absolutely devastated by poverty and injustice THIS VERY MOMENT.
GAGI will empower this generation to advocate the various issues of global poverty and injustice in their respective communities.

My Interests

Definition- come together; assemble, especially in large numbers Meet together with a couple of friends. Talk about poverty. Discuss what's happening around the world and think of ideas to help spread the word.

Defintion- to provide schooling or training. Teach people about the crisis. Remember that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

Definition- to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument Help support the cause. Go around telling people about the situation. Persuade people into helping out as well. Bigger number in people results in more knowing.


Copy and Paste

I'd like to meet:

[People who are interesting in making a difference]:

Have you ever felt like doing something good? You wanted to, but you just did not know how. GAGI can help you find your potential that is inside of you. Everyone has the potentional to do something good, you just have to find it withing yourself.


Never underestimate the power that you have in yourself. You don’t have to do something big to make a difference. One thing that you can do is to start a club at your school. Being a club president for GAGI at your school will be an awesome experience for you. As a club, you will lead your club members in educating people about the various issues in the world by hosting fund raisers and events. Contact Michael at [email protected]. Remember that it is up to YOU to make something happen.


Special thanks to:
Dorothy Hayden
Jayson Belt
Tony Cortez
Blame J
PVPHS Dance Team