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Rosita Biosa


About Me

I'd started to play guitar in 1994,when my father thaught me first chords on his 70's acoustic Echo.In 1996 I began to study in a private school in Pisa(Associazione Culturale "Boccaccio") with two guitarists:Danny Crews and Riccardo Vernaccini.First songs I plaied was italian rock songs,even if love with hard n'heavy was beginning.In fact was Stairway to Heaven from Led Zeppelin,the first song I performed on stage. Since the day I plaied more chords in succession,I composed my first melodies.The first interpret for my song was Ilaria Angelini,a dear friend for me.Till the day I met Francesco,my boyfriend.He listened me singing my own composition and encouraged me to play them. In 2000 I took my first singing lesson at Boccaccio School with the soprano Elisabetta Lombardo(today headmistress of Officina del Canto).Beyond teaching relation it was the beginning of a great friendship. In that period I was playing with metal and goth metal band in Prato and Florence. In march 2005 I took an audition to enter a Sanremo in Campus selection stage .Sanremo in Campus is a school which train singers,actors and dancers to musicals and shows performances.This school was directed by maestro Ermanno Croce and maestro Roberto Fia(composer of the italian song"Uno su Mille",plaied by the italian singer Gianni Morandi). As set in advance I participate to Sanremo in Campus class,studying for three days in the pretty town of San Remo(Liguria,Italy). Lessons pertain to stage presence,naturalness and authenticity during the performance and was directed by maestro Ermanno Croce(stage manager),maestra Angela Rillosi(singing teacher). Some weeks later I received a phone call by S.I.C. management:the secretary said me I was been selected by Croce for a seven days summer campus,newly in San Remo at Grand Hotel des Anglais. So in july 2005 I took a train and arrived in Liguria for this class that was a full immersion with mr.Croce,mrs Rillosi and two ballet master:Camilla Pozzoni and Roberta Sambucci.They was been seven unforgettable days:teachers learns us how to be hourselves on stage.But we don't passes time only to study how to sing,act or dance.Lessons help us to find out our inner energy and to tell apart fear of the stage(it can be won)and emotion,adrenaline during the performance. Even if I don't passed second selection for Premio Sanremo Musical,Croce talked me about his disappointment about jury's decision and said me he wanted I took part to show for P.S.M. final.This meant to sing in San Remo Ariston Theather.Here take place every years the famous San Remo italian songs festival,lot of best italian singers and musicians have plaied on Ariston stage.That was a great emotion for me. So in september 2005 I took part to P.S.M. show,playing with Elisabetta Lombardo and two other Boccaccio school student(Angela and Mentore).We sang a cappella the gospel piece "Swing Low,Sweet Chariot".To sing in Ariston Theatre is an unique emotion! Back from Liguria Elisabetta made up her minds to found her own singing school,named "Officina del Canto".From Officina foundation I've never felt only a simply student,but part and parcel with other schoolmate of Elisabetta's artist conception(reflected on her teaching way). In following months I carried on my studies in Pisa.In february and march 2006 I took part to two television broadcasts,sent by Toscana TV and TV1Sat(I sang "Memory" from musical "Cats" and "My Immortal" from Evanescence). In july 2006 I recorded my first song at Music Center Studio(Pistoia,Italy),directed by the keyboard player Massimiliano D'Orsi.This song was Ne'er Saw I.After listening my composition carefully,Massimiliano added keyboards and Marco()some guitar embellishment. In november 2006 I decided to take part to Festival del Tirreno in Pisa,so I prepared an italian lyrics version for Ne'er Saw I(festival rule accepted not foreign lyrics),this song is called "Non resterà di me".I got the second phase and sang in "Green Park Theatre" situated along Pisa seacoast.But I don't got final I set to for something new! (TO BE CONTINUED)

Myspace Layouts at / Railroad suicide

My Interests


Member Since: 11/3/2006
Band Members: Rosita Biosa
Type of Label: None

My Blog

holidays..see you soon!

          Holidays!! After a  winter spent working frantically in the store where I'm clerk,I think I can go on a vacation and greet you all. I won't move so far fr...
Posted by Rosita Biosa on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 04:12:00 PST

Primo concerto con gli Angy!!!

Mercoledì scorso ho avuto il piacere e la fortuna di fare il mio primo concerto con gli Angy,band classic rock,approdata da Siracusa e da Ascoli qui a Pisa. I brani in scaletta erano Sourrounded,Color...
Posted by Rosita Biosa on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 02:08:00 PST


Dal sito web del "Tourmusicfest" "16 Maggio 2007Firenze: prima tappa fuori casa [tappa N°2 del Tour Music Fest] Se è facile "giocare in casa" in un contesto conosciuto, è bellissimo confrontarsi per...
Posted by Rosita Biosa on Sat, 26 May 2007 11:40:00 PST


THIS IS A GOOD DAY!Just sat and passed  an audition in Florence,for Tour Music Fest!I've partaken in first selection as songrwiter with "Non Resterà di Me". Second chance is in Rome,the 13rd of s...
Posted by Rosita Biosa on Wed, 16 May 2007 03:12:00 PST

"NE'ER SAW I" 's story

This song is ten years old!!I wrote it when I was 19,after a request of my upper-scool english teacher,mrs Rossi.She asked me to compose a melody for "La belle dame sana merci",a poem byJohn Keats.Thi...
Posted by Rosita Biosa on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 07:57:00 PST

Quarto posto al Pub Incanto

Il concorso al Pub Incanto é finito in maniera soddisfacente.Mi sono guadagnata il quarto posto col brano "Portati via"di Mina. Rosy...
Posted by Rosita Biosa on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 08:00:00 PST

Rosy canta Mina :)

Ciao ragazzi, domenica 25/02/07 sarò al Pub l'Incanto di Fornacette(Pisa)per il concorso che si tiene ogni anno nel suddetto locale.Canterò un brano scritto da Stefano Borgia per Mina.Cercherò di onor...
Posted by Rosita Biosa on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 11:22:00 PST


Cerco disperatamente gothic metal band!!!Per favore contattatemi!!!!! Rosita      ...
Posted by Rosita Biosa on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:03:00 PST


In seguito ad un'audizione tenuta presso gli studi della tv locale pisana 50 canale,ho acceduto alle semifinali del Festival del Tirreno,nella sezione cantautori.Il brano presentato si chiama "Non res...
Posted by Rosita Biosa on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 02:21:00 PST


Questo sentimento che mi accompagna nel mio ritorno a Pisa é come qualcosa di indelebile che fa compagnia e assilla.E forse si chiama malinconia,semplicemente malinconia.E' come una specie di&nbs...
Posted by Rosita Biosa on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 10:41:00 PST