christopher profile picture


"Coming up with something new for 2008..."

About Me

*********************************************** Born in 1977, mother english, father french, didn't study much else than the guitar which I started playing in 1993 and ever since thought it could be my best friend.A new rock'n roll band is about to come and give some cheerful sounds to human ears and minds:Knock, knock, knock pssssst! EVERYBODY WAKE UP!!! Anyway, Love, Peace and Happiness... Not much trouble, life's cool when you make it happen and try to stay human.***Stay TUNED**************************************************

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p*********************************************************** ****

My Interests


Member Since: 11/3/2006
Band Members:

Influences: ********************************************************* As for music I'd say Jimi Hendrix (huh... of course!), Johnny Winter, Canned Heat, Popa Chubby, Tom Petty, Eric Johnson, Thin Lizzy,The Beatles, Dire Straits, Black Sabbath, The Allman Brothers, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Robert Cray, Rory Gallagher, Sublime, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and so many more...As for the rest, music shan't be everything; Jim Morrison's poetry, paul Verlaine and Baudelaire, Robert Mac Liam Wilson's books but also the paintings of Rene Magritte, Claude Monet, Van Ghog and Paul Cezanne quite influence me, their art not more than their way of life and/or death.****************************************************** ***
Sounds Like: Check the videos live in Paris..."LOST FELLOW""HERE IS ONLY SHAME" (Julien Bouchareinc)"DESTINY"
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

...Demo 2008...

Hi there everybody!!!Just a quick message to present a 8 tracks Demo from which you may hear samples on my space... Peace to all,chris....
Posted by christopher on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 03:36:00 PST

...Human drum kit...

Hello tout les musiciens du monde.Je cherche un batteur/percussionniste imparable et sûr de son instrument...Ambiance Blues/Rock, compos en Anglais et sans prise de tête.Avis aux amateurs,Peace,christ...
Posted by christopher on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 07:36:00 PST