Finalist of the 2007 International Blues Challenge - Memphis (USA) - Prize-winner 2006 of the “Cognac Blues Passions†prizeC’est de la rencontre de deux mordus du Blues, Arnaud Fradin et Manu Frangeul, que naît le groupe MALTED MILK en 1995. MALTED MILK reçoit à ses débuts d’incroyables hommages et se voit récompensé par des premières parties prestigieuses : Lucky Peterson, Joe Louis Walker, Luther « guitar » Johnson ex-Muddy Waters, Paul Persone, etc.En 2002, le groupe accompagne Big Joe Turner (ex bassiste d’Albert King et B.B King), pour une grande tournée européenne et américaine.Trophée France Blues 2005. Catégorie groupe français.Révélation du festival Blues Passion 2006 à Cognac, MALTED MILK a été l’unique formation française programmée sur la scene principale l’année suivante.Finaliste de l’International Blues Challenge en février 2007 à Memphis.En 2008, après 13 ans d’existence MALTED MILK poursuit sa route en affirmant un blues aux accents clairement Soul/Funk tout en restant fidele au style énergique du Chicago Blues et intègre un orgue hammond B3. Le dernier album Easy Baby confirme cette orientation.------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- In 1995, two French Blues fanatics meet, Arnaud Fradin and Emmanuel Frangeul. Together, they form the MALTED MILK blues band that will receive, in its debuts, incredible tributes and see itself rewarded by performing the first parts of prestigious concerts such as Lucky Peterson, Joe Louis Walker, Luther " guitar " Johnson ex--Muddy Waters, Paul Personne, etc. In 2002, the group accompanies Big Joe turner, Albert King and B.B King’s bass player, during his big European and American tour. MALTED MILK develops today a blues in accents clearly soul funk. Faithful to the energetic style of the Chicago Blues, their last album Easy Baby confirms this orientation: soloes very inspired by Arnaud Fradin (guitar and lead vocals) and of Emmanuel Frangeul (harmonica). Mr Tchang (guitar and vocals) joins the group in 2006, and strengthens it by its energetic presence. After already 500 concerts, MALTED MILK takes advantage of a robust reputation in the circuit of the festivals blues in France. Rewarded to the festival of Cognac 2006, MALTED MILK was a finalist of the International Blues Challenge in February 2007, in Memphis (USA). PRESS REVIEWMALTED MILK - EASY BABY(Bad Bacon Records/Mosaïc Music)Blues. The estimable and so bright Arnaud Fradin, surrounded by his Malted Milk gang finally brings out, after so much expectation, a disk bringing to the blues a new and joyful puff of air.These discreet boys, so much filled with the blues matter, giving free rein to their talent in an opus which allows to pass the authenticity, the success and the strength in the respect. (…)These people arise from the seraglio of Nantes, the productive fishpond and a destroyer at the same time of sharply brilliant artists. Have we ever heard such musical gang? And if Arnaud Fradin's guitar (one of the best guitarists of the moment) knows how to make itself sensual and flexible in the sobriety (the Art of the Big!), his soul and warm voice, magnificently well placed, embalm the atmosphere with divine shudders. (…)On the album, the eternal conviviality of Nantes inhabitants allows Malted Milk to receive, without any fuss, leading guests among whom it is necessary to point out the amazing Zeb Heintz, fabulous guitarist already cooked up with Doo The Doo (…). Also, let us indicate the stake in recording of Stéphane Labot. This disk is a treasure of colours, shining in a sensational bluish tint, the emotion of a blues made with passion. A great moment!Chronicle of Francis Rateau - COMPACT CROSSROADS Eté 2005(…) So much by its rhythmic cohesion, its well tied up and mastered directory (…) Or the assurance in the singing as well as in the guitar playing of the leader Arnaud Fradin, the group from Nantes showed an at most succeeded artistic personality on the national blues stage. Mr Tchang's presence as second guitar was an important trump card as for the frank success of this first evening party (…)Nicolas Teurnier - SOULBAG Magazine Mars 2007(…) MORE TO THE "FRENCH TOUCH" (…) Happy Malted Milk that will be succeeding them in 2007! With Mr Tchang enlarging the line-up, the well experimented band of Nantes made a sensational impression during all their performances in bars or on the Eden Blues stage. Could there be in France a guitarist with a more meaning and sensual vibrato than the one Arnaud Fradin has?
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