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Frances Lynn


About Me

My name is Frances Lynn . I used to be a London gossip columnist, film critic and a 'prolific' freelance journalist (see My Biography for further details). But, when I couldn't bear to go to any more parties, review another mediocre movie, and ran out of original questions to ask my celebrity victims, I concentrated on writing books. My two novels, which have recently been simultaneously published by Eiworth Publishing couldn't be more different. Crushed is an illustrated, quirky-funny Young Adult novel about sibling rivalry between a pair of non-identical twins, and Frantic is a 'sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll' saga' about the nostalgic early '70s. View chapter extracts on all the Amazon sites.

My Personal Website http://Frances .
Books available from .

Books available from Diggory Press

Books and e-books available from Lulu

Crushed review: Reader Views Kids

Crushed inspired stories on Crushed Diaries

Writerholic Blog

Memories from the (late) '70's on Seventies Nostalgia


My Interests

Writing writing writing ...... reading, painting and drawing. Golf.


Anything ...... especially stuff by Austin de Lone my brother-in-law, who resides in the S.F. bay area. His new CD is called "Soul Blues" (on the Broken Toe Records label)


"Night Of The Living Dead" was the only horror movie to make me pass out screaming in the aisles during a midnight screening in San Francisco.


Anything, as long as it's well written. "Vile Bodies" inspired me to become a gossip columnist. Crushed and Frantic will always be on my bookshelves.