All of us have an interest in chasing and killing small birds and mice ( sorry about that...nature versus nurture sort of thing). Molly likes hot sunny places and car travel; Kitten enjoys watching Quentin Tarantino movies and Hero is fond of cooking and especially eating.
If we could pull stars from the ether Molly would want to meet Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant and a multitude of stars from that era; the Kitten would like to meet John Lennon and Hero would opt for Elvis Presley.In today's world Molly would want to meet Gabriel Byrne and Johnny Depp and, of course Mikhail Barysnikhov; Kitten's desire would be to have a long chat with Anthony Hopkins and to find out if James Masters' pecs are as good as they look and to ask Nathan Fillion what hair products he uses to keep his marvellous barnet in such tip-top condition Hero would like to hide upstairs and not meet anybody at all, thank you.As for meeting and greeting historical figures Molly would opt for Cleopatra queen of the Nile( cats were worshipped as Gods back then...they had the right idea!);Kitten would want to have an animated discusson with sun Tzu to discuss the finer points of the art of war;andHero departing from her usual culinary path would want to meet Maciavelli to learn some hints and tips for survival in a fraught household!
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Molly :My favourite song at the moment is a beautiful song sung by Robert Joe James called "Softly" which has been written for little Madeleine McGann. Please have a listen by following the link click to ELO,Bruce Springsteen, Rod Stewart,John Lennon Jackie Leven, The Beatles,Crosby, Stills Nash and Young,Eric Clapton, Sting, Ian McNabb and Neil Young. I also have the urge every now and again to listen to Dolly Parton.At the moment I absolutely adore Patience by take That! Yes, i know that the new single "Shine" is out but I still have a thing for "Patience"! Kitten has mocked me mercilessly but I think it is very soulfull. Plus the lads look really good in the video! Kitten:Middle of the road tosh!! For me it has to be System of a Down, NIN and Marilyn Manson although Ian McNAbb is not too bad and the indie band Soft Murmer are right on the button. I love Black Sabbath but equally I can also listen to the 8os rockers. My tastes are varied and so much better than Molly's! Hero: Anything really as long as I can eat whilst I listen
Molly: anything slushy or feel good upbeat, I'm a huge fan of Singin' in the Rain, and who wouldn't like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (well apart from Kitten...obviously!)I really like The Cat from Outer Space..boy do i want one of those nifty collars then i could actually make the Bald Two Legged Housemates understand me!.I adore any movie with Johnny Depp and really loved The Pirates of the CAribean but Ninth Gate was super too.I also like a good weep and love Beaches, Steel Magnolias and, of course Ghost and Titanic. Kitten: give something with a bit of bite ( or lots)Kill Bill 1 and 2 both great. David Carradine was delightfully menacing as Bill.I also really like the Star War movies...the originals not the early volume rubbish, I mean Jar Jar Binks, what a load of old smellie tights!I also enjoy the Die Hard movies although I wasn't too struck on the last one. I could watch The Godfather series all night... You're my brother and I love you Fredo but you broke my f***ing heart, what a guy! Kay really thought she could walk off with the kids, hmmm not the brightest pencil in the box. I adore Bruce Lee and generally any asian movies, The Shogun's Assasin..phew non stop violence. It even managed to make me look away at some points.When you see Tom Thingy (now there is a Mad Cat!) playing at fighting in The Last Samurai..hee hee makes mewant a giggle, can't say too much as both Molly and Hero love it. I suspect it has more to do with Ken Watanabe myself! I adored "Fierfly" and I could watch Serenity endlessly...Go the Browncoats! Hero: popcorn tastes great with any kind of movie.
Molly: I like Charmed, Ghost Whisperer and House. Kitten: News, History channel and American Gothic.I was also a huge fan of Buffy although i thought that the many slayers ruined the last series. I loved Angel but, yet again a good programme ruined by a bad character...that Connor person. Glad they brought Spike back to save the day (and the ratings). I am also a regular watcher of "Shogun" from way back in the 70's and also really enjoy " I Claudius" it is really amazing to see Patrick Stewart with hair!! ( He played the evil Sejanus...and boy, was he!), I enjoy loads of sci-fi, really like the original Star Trek..go Kirk! I think Next Generation is great, didn't mind Voyager but just didn't like Deep Space Nine. Hero: Saturday Kitchen; Can't cook Won't cook; Hells Kitchen
Molly: Magazines and historical fiction. Kitten: Murder mystery and crime fiction, although my
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