Singing, gardening, cooking and finding interesting recipes, running, yoga, tennis, wacking balls at the driving range, croquet, badminton, movies, writing, home decoration/renovation, bike rides, Scrabble, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, MahJong, XBox Hexic AD, introspection, sociology, pink things, people watching, cooing over cute stuff, going to Target and trying out chairs, dying my hair, making my guy friends look hot with my scissor skillz, fancy area carpets, plotting get-aways, aquariums with big jellyfish, teasing & being teased, being a tease (just kidding hehe), big sunglasses, going for a coffee, wine and brie cheese, sunflower seeds, the beach, white or light pink manicures, giant strawberry chapstick, stretching the soles of my feet, nag champa, foot massages, eskimo kisses, pull ups, bringing flowers to my grandma.
Melting sweeties.
The Flaming Lips!!!