The Original Set4th band began in Everett, Wa in 2001. Set4th was a brand new project and is as original as they come. The name Set4th was created from the mind of vocalist/writer Pike Auchtung himself. Set4th only started with two people, Sloppy Joe on bass and Pike on vocals/rythym guitar. Nobody liked it when they played except themselves and they had a good time doing it. Pike use to say if they could piss off one old person then they've done their job. The terror must go on as Set4th seeks new members to join in on the riot. With proof of his creation Pike is now exposing unreleased tracks that date back to Set4th's early Y2k days. Along with the songs that use to piss off the elderly, Pike has written many new songs only to add to the old mans fury. Lets give these old farts a reason to be pissed off. May the chaotic reign of Set4th continue.
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