Music, My Band-The Burial, Music, DVR-is awsome! Flying V's Metal, Punk-Rok, Music, Hott Girlies, and Music
Yer Mammy!
Almost Everything
Too Many
Simpsons, Futurama, Sienfeld, Chapelle, Star Trek-NTG only. Max-X, Headbangers Ball, Surreal Life, Southpark Antique Roadshow, anything on the History Channel or Discovery Channel, South Park, AMC
I like the classics, and bios...most fantasy is nerdy but I love Tolkien. Steven King...but he is hit or miss. Michael Chriton untill he became a Neo-Con slug! "Please Kill Me" is one of my favorites!
Artie Lange, Dino Casares, Hunter Thompson, both of my Pappy's, Dave Brockie, J.R.R. Tolkien, Geezer Butler, Darrel Abbot, David Gilmore, John Lennon, Thomas Jefferson, Fat Mike, Jonny Thunders, Dee Dee, John And Joey R., Samuel Clemmons, Iggy, Ghandi, Jesus, Joan Jett, Alex P.
Keaton, Howard Stern, Stanley Kubrick, Ben Franklin, Henry VII(Gotta Keep Ya' Pimp Hand strong), Dave Mustaine, Dolly Parton, Mozart, Jean Luc Picard, Ben Cartwright, Shiva, Beavis,Lavar Burton, Bruce Lee, Sarah McLachlan, Johnny Cash, Steve Martin, Voltaire, Bo Duke, Snoop, Vincint Price. AND MY MAMMY!
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