Stevie Vagrant profile picture

Stevie Vagrant

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi, I'm Stevie Vagrant, also known as Anth0nym$. I've been a musician in the Louisville scene for about 11 years now and I'm still rocken the fuck out. I am currently in a band called the Welfares and we are most likely the most bitchin thing your ears has ever had the opportunity of listening to since balls hitten ass. I also produce music for various hip hop artist under the pen name Anth0nym$. this also is some of the greatest music you will ever here. So all you bitches reconize and bow down to the ol' mighty cock...But the most important person in my life is my girl drew. so so sorry ladies

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Your parents so I can tell them how abortion can contribute to the fight against ignorance.

My Blog

New band in the works

The new band wll be caled Captn' Flaptop and The Comb-Overs. So far it's me on bass and Donnie M.F. Vagrant on the m-i-c. Wewill both be taking total cfreative control, me handeling the music Donnie...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 15:17:00 GMT

wow I feel great

Man I haven't been this happy since jello in squize tubes.  My music is going perfect I a m in a bitchen band that has actual dedicated members.  I am going to get a new job so I can dedicat...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:09:00 GMT

I work with a bunch of bitches

I will tell you what guys.  For me working in a room full of guys they sure do act like a bunch of bitches.  Runnin and tellin on me for what ever they can just to get me in troubl...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 23:49:00 GMT

me and my monkeys

Goddamn monkeys makin me buy that wu and stay up all night.  You know have multidrugual nights always sounds like a good idea until you relize you gotta be at work in three hours.  The worst...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:18:00 GMT