New band in the works |
The new band wll be caled Captn' Flaptop and The Comb-Overs. So far it's me on bass and Donnie M.F. Vagrant on the m-i-c. Wewill both be taking total cfreative control, me handeling the music Donnie... Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 15:17:00 GMT |
wow I feel great |
Man I haven't been this happy since jello in squize tubes. My music is going perfect I a m in a bitchen band that has actual dedicated members. I am going to get a new job so I can dedicat... Posted by on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:09:00 GMT |
I work with a bunch of bitches |
I will tell you what guys. For me working in a room full of guys they sure do act like a bunch of bitches. Runnin and tellin on me for what ever they can just to get me in troubl... Posted by on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 23:49:00 GMT |
me and my monkeys |
Goddamn monkeys makin me buy that wu and stay up all night. You know have multidrugual nights always sounds like a good idea until you relize you gotta be at work in three hours. The worst... Posted by on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:18:00 GMT |