Meeting and comminucating with people
From all over the world!
Where is your World?
People who are outside of the mainstream and those who know their outside! Who don’t fit the mode and those who don’t care to fit this so called mode! Every person is an individual, and with this individuality comes you, and without you there is no us!
We have been indoctrinated all of our life to believe that it is in our nature to fear a so-called dark purpose in that which we do not understand. But true Evil, may lay more in Ignorance then that of Suspicion!
Sometimes the road ahead in which we travel seems to be clear, yet we see not beyond the bend! We are all part of the big picture, without the one, there is no many! Funny how we live in Illusions, feeling secure thinking that the sky is really blue and the sun really rises and sets, and that there a such thing as night, when its really the earths own shadow! How can one really feel safe within ones own dreams, when the mind has no concept of man made time!Why do people find security in meaningless possessions, when in the big picture the worth of such possessions is just that meaningless? We act as if permanency is our place here, so hilarious… for we are only tenants here and our leases are subject to be up at any given moment! It is often stated by many "I don't have the time" another hilarious statement, for there is no such thing as time on the real clock...No such thing as yesterday and no such thing as tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes, for there is only "NOW" illusionary things that one convinces ones self in order to just live with ones own self!
I would have liked to have met the late Allen Watts, as well as thoses who's minds are free from all of the Bull Shit, and really think out side of the so called Box! Those who have not been indoctrinated by this "Good Guy Bad guy" Shit! We are all just players in this game called life! Ask yourself where is your Place?
In case you didn't know "We all Came from the same Place" "I Love Berlin"
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