Printed Matter profile picture

Printed Matter

Printed Matter Matters!

About Me

Printed Matter, Inc. is the world's largest non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and distribution of publications made by artists. Our philosophy is that art should be available to a broad and diverse public, and consequently Printed Matter specializes in publications produced in large, inexpensive editions.
EXHIBITION: Fierce Pussy, a collective of queer women committed to creating public art and performing direct action around issues of lesbian identity and visibility. Active in New York City from 1991 to 1995, fierce pussy was composed of a fluid and often-shifting cadre of dykes. Core members included Pam Brandt, Nancy Brooks Brody, Joy Episalla, Alison Froling, Zoe Leonard, Suzanne Wright, and Carrie Yamaoka. Adamantly low-tech, fast and low-budget, fierce pussy relied on modest resources: old typewriters, found photographs, their own baby pictures, and whatever material they could get donated. Much of the work was produced using the equipment at their day jobs. Emerging during a decade steeped in the AIDS crisis, activism, and queer identity politics, fierce pussy brought lesbian identity directly out into the streets in a manner characterized by the urgency of those years.
NEW PUBLICATION: Dark Prospects by Charles Beronio.
OTHER STUFF: Printed Matter offers a free consulting service to libraries, art institutions, and art professionals involved with artists’ books throughout the world. And we host a range of educational programs from talks to student groups by staff members, to in-store lectures and readings by artists, critics, and curators.
WEB SITE: See a complete on-line catalogue of all our publications, plus essays, curated lists and other information on Printed Matter and artists' publications at .
NY ART BOOK FAIR: On October 23-26, 2008, we present our third annual NY Art Book Fair , which includes 120 exhibitors from North America, Europe, and Japan, together with lectures, panel discussions, a performance, special installations, an exhibition, and much much more.Printed Matter is proud to be artist-run.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Artists who make books.


We've been beefing up our sound selection recently, with everything from Rodney Graham, Vito Acconci, Louise Bourgeois, and Michael Snow, to the Royal Art Lodge and local noise bands.


We carry DVDs by artists too, for example Matthew Barney's The Order : from Matthew Barney's Cremaster 3.


We have over 15,000 titles by 5,000 artists... check us out at


Sol LeWitt, Lucy Lippard