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Matt Volatile

My tribe has a saying: If you're bleeding, look for a man with scars.

About Me

"Lingis claims that the processes by which the primitive body is marked or scarred seems to us, in the West, to be painful and barbaric. Like the tattooing of the Western body, there is something facile and superficial about the permanent etching on the body's surface. It offends Western sensibility ... that a subject would voluntarily undertake the permanent inscription of a verbal or visual message on its skin. Its superficiality offends us; its permanence alarms us." - Elizabeth Grosz, Volatile Bodies, p.138

Those who are in pain will tell you that they have the right to be in pain. - Lea Vergine, from The Body as Language

Twenty-six year old quidnunc and neophile. I recently graduated with a Master's degree with distinction in the Body and Representation from the University of Reading and am currently researching for a PhD in the Department of Art History researching the visual and ontological consequences of invasive corporeal modification.

I completed a 20,000 dissertation entitled The Post-Modified Body: Invasive Corporeal Transformation and its Effects on Subjective Identity, which is available for download . I'd love to hear any comments.

My first degree was in French & German from the University of Bradford. That means I have even more letters after my name and am trilingual.

Tattoos: Sleeves and Chest-piece by Martin Clark, Reading. Ribs by Steve Byrne , other pieces by Adam Barton, Becca Marsh, Alison Manners.

Surgical: Self-cut meatotomy resulting from abandoned PA, 3 1 x 30mm x 10mm teflon genital ribs, split tongue!

Suspensions:6+2 8-point crucifix, 2-hook chest, three 6-point knee suspensions, 2-point suicide.
Click to search BME for images of me! // iam: volatile

My Interests

Girls. And Corpses.


current music a-z: agorophobic nosebleed, bane, charles bronson, darkest hour, envy, firststep, goodcleanfun, hardtoswallow, ignite, judge, kissitgoodbye, lightningbolt, mostpreciousblood, nerve agents, orchid, pixies, quicksand, rohrschach, social distotion, tenyardfight, unbroken, vorhees, whathappensnext?, youthoftoday, zombieapocalypse


The Video Beat


Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica and BBC News 24, obsessively.


Currently reading:

    Intellectual Impostures - Alan Sokal & Jean Bricmont

    Transgressions: The Offences of Art - Anthony Julius


Hero: Dr. Mark Kermode

Honorable Mentions: Andrew Marr, George Orwell, Elizabeth Grosz, Erik Sprague , Marisa DiMattia , Shannon Larratt .