Profile Generator
Im Jag.
I study Law at The University of Reading
I have dreads and I love them
I play guitar in a death metal band
I DJ Ragga Jungle and Breakcore under the name of DJ MURDA HORSE. I've played with some big names such as The McMash Clan and Ed Cox
I also play drums. I'm quite good.
I like lots of pretentious wanky music but am not a pretentious wanker.
I can go out to a normal club where they play no jungle and no metal and still have a wicked time. I pride myself on this.
I don't like cliques. Come on we've all been there. Time to grow up I think..
I dont like being forced to be PC
I dont like being forced to do anything
You will find some of my views confusing and/or shocking
I probably sound like a twat. But im not.