I'm powered by a combination of Whiskey, High fives and Rock.
I'm London based and do all sorts of things, but the thing I do most is take photographs for court. I have probably seen more drugs, in a legal setting, than Nikki Sixx has seen ever.
I also get paid to take photographs of rock-n-roll stuff for magazines, bands and other clients. If you click on the below link you can see my portfolio site:
If you liked what you saw and you wish to work with me, then keep reading.
If you are wanting to do photos which are more exciting than your 'miserable-looking- people-up-against-an-urban-decay-setting' then we'll come with something good and fun.
I mostly use this site to keep in touch with friends and make contact with potential clients. I'm enjoy meeting new people, but prefer to do it in real-life. I don't really need 12,456,467 internet pen pals. My sense of humor is quite dry, so if you get the below joke, your one of us:
I also have a book out. It's nice, limited to 500 copies and in a few shops, including rough trade and all ages records. My website lists more stockists.
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