LEWIS profile picture


going nowhere fast, baby...

About Me

part bastard, part punk-rocker. all round clown shoes. i was dropped on my head about 3 times when i was a kid. in year 1 of primary school i shoved a dried pea up my nose to pretend it was a bogey. i had to go to hospital. nowts changed.

My Interests

the power of the riff, metaphors, tea, playing guitar in bed, playing guitar in a band, playing guitar with my dad in the pub (don't do this enough!), going on tour, the human condition, new places, getting rowdy, making big fuck-off lists, drumming, bumming, history, philosophy, being inappropriate, learning, offending/being a polite motherfucker, creating, destroying, writing, the art of the heckle, reading the paper and having a tab, tea, fry ups.....

I'd like to meet:

the macc lads.


righteous rock 'n roll... bluegrass, cuntry, punk rock, blues, loads! fuck your elitism. as far as hardcore goes: neggy proach, out cold, kill your idols, bad brains, black flag = come see yer dad. this week i've mostley been listening to the dead boys, the nerve agents, maylene and the sons of disaster, cancer bats, down III, public image ltd, pere ubu, nick cave, the small faces + young james long


willow, lost boys, platoon, evil dead, E.T, walk the line, once were warriors, falling down...


king of the hill, curb your enthusiasm, vic & bob, red dwarf, the news, big train, young ones, partridge, the day today, brass eye, heroes... some other shite. ..


recommend me stuff... currentley: the hiram key


my friends.

My Blog


I updated the tour dates:JULY THE PLIGHT + D-RAIL  3 July  GLASGOW  The 13th Note Cafe (w/ Broken Oath + Abraxas) [The Plight only]4 July  LEEDS - Fenton (w/ Crime in Stereo) 5 July  HA...
Posted by lewis on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:27:00 PST


the sky seemed far away i tried to make sense of a thoughtless day no disappointments stale words always know what to say i took a train to olympia and realized once again how big the world was i had...
Posted by lewis on Thu, 17 May 2007 04:41:00 PST


In 2 weeks i'll have finished 5 years of studying Music Technology. (College = 2 years, Uni = 3 years). Shit. I probably should know more than I do.Click here if you want to check out some of my 3rd Y...
Posted by lewis on Fri, 11 May 2007 11:37:00 PST