[the autopsy boys] profile picture

[the autopsy boys]

About Me

In the new millennium, the nerd revolution began on the campus of Spring wood college. Despite prejudice, persecution, painful pummelling, wedgies and cruel practical jokes the members of the our clan overcame every other rival fraternity and gained total control over the Y.N.C. It was a victory that underdogs through out the free world would always remember. It was a defeat that our rival frats would never forget.

It was then that my collection of fat chick thrillin, drunken chanting, exam cheating, disco dancing cohorts realised that we would face our toughest challenge to date. As representatives of the toxic chemical capital of the world we prepared to join delegates from across the world in legendary bars and dance halls that the best known acts of all time had stamped there authority on. However it was not to be. Little did we know that our smug and overbearing attitude would be our downfall, and that we would be subjected to a chronic retaliation by our now united rivals. We were simply out numbered and framed for the fire that would destroy the Fraternity conference center, and ultimately lead to us being kicked out.
After a week in bed watching the entire back catalogue of "Prisoner Cell Block H" one of my female friends decided to take me out, we went to see a movie and get a bite to eat in the hope that it would cheer me up. The film was called "The Break Up" and it far from cheered me up. In fact it made me want to kill her. Never the less her heart was in the right place.
We went for a meal and ordered our food. Just as she went to "powder her nose" our food came. It was at this point that i realised that she'd told me previously that she didn't have any tolerance for spicy food. I'd promised that one day i would convince her to try it and this was the perfect opportunity to make good on my promise. I laced her food with Tabasco sauce and politely waited for her to sit with me before i started eating. It took only one mouth full of her food for her eyes to widen. Her face resembled a gold fish. She put both her hands on her chest and started to choke up, but she was so pleased she couldn't find the words to thank me. I didn't mind though, her tears were enough for me. It was at this point that some random idiot grabbed her from behind and started dry humping her. Instinct took over, i leaped to my feet and busted the guy in his fucking jaw. I knocked him clean out, i couldn't believe it. I'd never hit anyone before. For the first time ever i felt an unbelievable sense of power and gratification.
I then realised my one true calling in life, i knew that I'd been placed on this planet to start Breakcore. I recruited 4 friends and a additional cast faster than Garfield finds lasagna and started the greatest band in the world.
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My Interests


Member Since: 31/05/2007
Record Label: HMZ Recordings.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

How to get your dream date Autopsy boy style.

OK so a lot of people haven't got the testicular fortitude (clitoral fortitude if your a girl) to just walk up to a target and mack on them, so here's your full proof guide to getting your dream&...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:15:00 GMT