profile picture


About Me

freelance photographer
i'm specialized in shooting at concerts
but i also do band promotion shots aswell as model shoots
so if you and/or your band are/is interested
contact me at:
[email protected]
for more information
or send me a message here on myspace
add me
Also have a look at:
My blog

concert portfolio:

promo and model portfolio:

photoshop projects:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

-bike maniacs like me

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   My Friend Space

take a look at my friends

I have a lot of friends.

My Blog

My Daily Life

with this blog I want to show you a litle piece of my life by posting a picture everyday.a picture of where I was and what I saw at that day of wich I thought was worth taking it , with no caption, ju...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 02:01:00 GMT