Jan profile picture


Still pictures move minds.

About Me

Photographer and artist.Fine Art web site: [email protected] CODE /LOVEMYFLASH CODESee the GENERAL section below to the bottom left. Have a nice trip!

My Interests

A fleeting moment from the center of my mind... When toys go to war, art, painting, futurism, picasso, genius's of all types, marcel duchamp, fellow artists, drum n bass(the evil clown music stuff), goa, casino vs japan, break beats, classical, stone temple pilots, nirvana, intelligent, my 7.86 friends, lightning and thunder, line work of egon schiele, most anything by Picasso, italian futurism, Boccionni, Balla, brutal honesty, creativity, people who live outside the lines, my cheap ass digi cam, my expensive ass 20D, my hasselblad, my BMW R69S, music videos, commercials, creative ads, people who cross the lines and come back intact, jack and coke, rolling rock in winter, a corona in the summer, strategy games, The Greatest Story of All Time: World War II, jadgpanter, jadgtiger, people who are cool enough to be uncool, sunning at lacma, nightlife at the moca, theoretical physics, worm holes, philip k dick, disclosureproject.org, military industrial complex, q.u.i.p., Hisenberg principle, taoism, yin yang, wu wei, deep sleep, lucid dreams, single point meditation, faces with character, characters with faces, compasion, self awarness---*passes out*

I'd like to meet:

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MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODESIDE A: THE ARTISTS Robert Rauschenberg(old), Banksy(new), David Hockney(gay), Hope Atherton(hot), Mini Me(lil), Picasso(dead), David Bohm(smart), Carravagio(OG rebel) SIDE B: THE DIRECTORS Chris Cunningham, Michelle Gondry, Anton Corbin, Andrew Douglas, Jordan Scott HIDDEN FEATURES: THE PHOTOGRAPHERS Guiliano Bekor, Mark Tucker, Ralf Tooten, Claudio Basso, Patrick Hoelck.


The Hasselblad Manual, Tao of Pooh, anything by Alan Watts, Scanner Darkly, Picasso At 90, Any large collectable books on art, Egon Schiele drawing's, Book's published under Taschen, Richard Scary's Please and Thank You books (in case you forgot your manners), The Tao of Shaggin by Lenard Wu Wei in case you... Well in case you forgot how to shag. Here's a few more for ya: Blitzkrieg, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Lucifer Principal, Solitude, Finger Prints of the Gods, 12th Planet, The Bible, The Enneagram (Helen Palmer version), Lucid Dreamer, Kinski Uncut, Manufactured Consent


Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, Boccioni, David Bohm, Heisenberg, Marlon Brando, Egon Schiele, Carravagio, Klaus Kinski, Motzart, Ed Witten, Noam Chomsky, Carrivaggio, Hunterwasser, Ansel Adams, Richard Avedon.