The Darkness Visible profile picture

The Darkness Visible

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

FIRST: Marilyn Manson is NOT GOTH. Some goths may (MAY) listen to Manson but this is a reflection of their bad taste.A goth is NOT a headbanger who dresses in black and wears corpse-paint, nor is a goth some angsty baggy panted teen who looks like a Hot-Topic ad, donning a T-shirt with their favorite mallcore band hanging around at the mall being pissed off.
THE LEFTOVER STUFF: We all have the equal right to an opinion, but that doesn't mean every opinion is equally right.Some of us did a lot of research and spent a lot of time on something in forming our opinions. Some of us think we can just know everything a priori.This is especially true of Goth. No one has a priori knowledge of what goth is. Not even teenagers!
This is what 'a priori' means:
1. from a general law to a particular instance; valid independently of observation.
2. existing in the mind prior to and independent of experience, as a faculty or character trait.
3. not based on prior study or examination; nonanalytic: an a priori judgment.
I've been involved in goth subculture for 15 years but have always been attracted to gothic music, art and aesthetics my entire life without necessarily understanding what that essentially was: the "gothic-romantic". My adventures have lead me to believe that the gothic-romantic personality is innate, thus doesn't necessarily require any rational understanding.
With that said, the subculture is about the music. And any discussion of goth that pretends it isn't intrinsically connected to a set of very closely related genres of music is misguided, and misses the point entirely.
However, getting past that, I believe that romanticism is something inside everyone to some degree. It seems to be the driving force behind faith, inspiration, heroism. At the same time, Romanticism without a Gothic pessimism to temper it, seems to lead to elitism or racism. People are not rational... ultimately most people are romantic (until the post-modernists or rationalists get their lazy/power-hunger hands on them) and gothic romanticism is the best way I know of to understand humanity and accept humanity flaws and all.
I believe many of the problems in society are caused by the default assumption of rationality in human behavior, and yet humanity's greatest strength was always the ability to think outside the box and look at things in the "wrong" way. A pursuit of "efficiency" is also quite harmful it seems. An attraction to thinking about things in the wrong way with a combined tolerance for disagreement seems like a very virtuous trait. Knowledge and logic are imperfect representations of reality and reason can only take you so far.
On the other hand, post-modernist thought takes pessimism of reason too far. It is one thing to believe knowledge is flawed. It is quite another to believe that ignorance and stupidity are its equal. Book learnin' is a good thing! (and practice may not make you perfect but it almost always makes you better!)
I am interested in people who are gothic-romantic; those who look for the deeper meanings of patterns and events in the wider world; but who are skeptical of even their own conclusions. people who could never be satisfied with superficial or trite explanations; and yet are aware that in all likelihood the truth may not be found in this lifetime (or expressible in words). Those who value dreams as highly as facts. Searching where everyone else looks can not reveal secrets; the truth is always in the darkness. (and can never be fully known)
Gothic-romantic is not a procedure for reasoning. It is however some form of courage to look where we've been told no good will come.
I don't like zealots or the self-righteous. I don't like those who have no respect for experience. Those who lack respect for experience only express how little benefit they have derived from their own.
However, it is conceit to disregard the ideas of youth merely on account of the age of the inventors.
Some people over-awe me. Usually because they make something I have trouble with look so easy. Or perhaps because they disturb me. Or perhaps they embody some quality or virtue I wish I had more of. I find such people very fascinating if not completely enthralling.
The darkness is everywhere that questions still exist. It is the frontier of humankind. It is freedom. The light is a comforting prison.
The term "goth" or "gothic" is a reference to the "gothic-romantic" and has been for over 200 years. The original Gothic movement of the 11 century and thereabouts was not called Gothic until later, and it was characterized by a senseless terror of a cruel vindictive God, and malicious spirits, fairies, and goblins. It was called the Dark Age with good cause. Gothic-romantic was called "gothic" because it rejected the "light" of pure and perfect reason (The Enlightenment) (and was thus denigrated as being barbaric, ignorant and "dark"). Gothic-romantic also mocks the equally LIGHT pure-romantic attitude that the "individual" was self-righteous, because as is almost painfully obvious.. the individual is tragically flawed. Nothing to be proud of, and yet, as a necessary condition of human existence -- nothing to be ashamed of.
The gothic-romantic sees a grand comedic irony. The world of humankind is cruel and vindictive enough. There was no need for the facade of a hell. We are all too eager to brag about our faith and create hell on earth. In reference to the goth subculture, "goth" means "gothic-romantic". thats my opinion.. if you dont like it go read some books and form your own. Or perhaps you'd be interested in a prepackaged opinion. Those are readily available and will save you the effort of reading anything at all.
I am a Utilitarian (if that term can be applied to someone who believes that true knowledge is ultimately an impossibility), a philosophy sometimes also referred to as Altruistic Hedonism. I am a poet. I am a philosopher. I am an Atheist. I am a Naturalist. I am a Romantic-Humanist. I am goth.
"The Affirmation" by me
Profess! And Fortune give its seldom chance,
when souls aver with strife's unwhispered power,
that putrid flames should sear over romance,
and shames ignite in Fear's forbidden hour.
What finds the unsought self in Hell's caress?
Forevermore enslaved; til hopes say, Yes;
Yes; whose kisses wet temptation's wanton lips;
Need's name enlarged, embraced in passion's ire.
Her nectars pour each moment's hurried sips,
as hearts lift yearnings' salutations higher.
So longing lives, be lovely or be less:
Set yourselves free; surrender and BE! Say, YES!
Some Goth Test I took*:
What subcategory of Goth best fits you?
created with
You scored as Romantic Goth

You are a romantic goth, better known as a traditional goth. You are probably quickly identified as a goth by outsiders. Black lace, bats, and moonlit cemetaries are just a few of your favorite things.

Romantic Goth


Old-school Goth


Ethereal Goth


Fantasy Goth


Anything-Goes Goth


Death Rocker


Perky Goff




Confused Outsider




Understanding Outsider

* I took this quiz a year ago and scored "old school goth", but it was actually a tie with romantic goth, and the percentages have barely moved in a year. I mention this because the photo is different and I just wanted to point out why.
Some political quiz: Not entirely accurate since its missing the monarchist party and the nomadic despotism party.
You scored as Democrat.
















What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with
*sigh* if only political parties would actually stand up for what they claim to represent.

My Interests

Friend Invitations from DEATHMETAL bands will be tagged appropriately : AS SPAM.

Goth(ic) subculture, goth(ic)s, goth(ic) literature, goth(ic) film, dancing/nightclubbing, goth(ic) poetry, philosophy, martial arts, science, society, economics. The (hopeless) quest for truth, beauty and purpose in a world full of nihilist(ic)s and apologist(ic)s and a handful of goth(ic)s.

I'd like to meet:

The ones responsible for this:



Abney Park, Alien Sex Fiend, All Gone Dead, Amy's Arms, Android Lust, Angelzoom, Another Creature, Autumn's Grey Solace, Bach, Basil Poledouris, Bauhaus, Beethoven, The Birthday Party, A Certain Ratio, Choir of Agony, Christian Death (w/ Rozz Williams), Collide, Corpse Cabaret, Covenant, The Cure, Danny Elfman, David Bowie, Death and Horror Incorporated, Dead Can Dance, Delerium, Delica, Depeche Mode, Dialis, Diary of Dreams, Digital Poodle, DoppelgängeR, The Doors, Duran Duran, Einstürzende Neubauten, Emelie Autumn, Experiment NnORD, Faith and the Muse, Flatline Skyline, Front 242, Gary Numan, Hans Zimmer, Interlace, Interpol, I,parasite, It-clings, Jefferson Airplane, John Williams, Johnny Hollow, Joy Division, Killing Joke, Kristy Thirsk, The Legendary Pink Dots, London After Midnight, Lydia Lunch, Mechanical Moth, Mediaeval Baebes, Michael Kamen, Miranda Sex Garden, Ministry, Monica Richards, Morrissey, Mors Syphilitica, Mozart, New Order, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Nitzer Eb, Nocturnal Projections, Nosferatu, Novocaine Mausoleum, ohGr, Parade, Play Dead, Project Pitchfork, Psychic TV, Radiohead, Rhea's Obsession, Sarah Mclachlan, The Scarlet Fever, Sex Gang Children, She Wants Revenge, Siderartica, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, Skinny Puppy, The Smiths, Stereotaxic Device, Switchblade Symphony, The Tear Garden, U2, Unto Ashes, Waiting for God, :Wumpscut:, VAST, X Marks the Pedwalk, Yamaoka Akira


12 Monkeys, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien (Quintilogy), Amadeus, Army of Darkness, Batman Begins, Blackballed, Bladerunner, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Bowfinger, Bubba Ho-Tep, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Children of Men, Clerks, The Crow, Equilibrium, Event Horizon, Evil Dead I, Evil Dead II, Excalibur, The Exorcist (all of them), Fifth Element, From Hell, Hardware, Immortal Beloved, Interview With The Vampire, I-Robot, The Kingdom of Heaven, Leon The Professional, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels, The Lord of the Rings, Mad Max (trilogy), Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Matrix (Trilogy), The Messenger, Minority Report, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Pink Panther (all of the ones with Peter Sellers), Pitch Black, Resident Evil (both), The Ring (both), Silent Hill, Sleepy Hollow, Snatch, Terminator 1 and 3, Underworld (both), V is for Vendetta, Zoolander.


don't have cable anymore but I have Seinfeld, Firefly, Forever Knight and Babylon 5 on DVD. If you want to watch cable I recommend: The Daily Show and Colbert Report.


(NOT COMPLETE BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION)George Orwell "1984"; Mary Shelley "Frankenstein"; Isaiah Berlin "Political Ideas in the Romantic Age"; Noam Chomsky "Necessary Illusions", "Imperial Ambitions","911","Year 501: The Conquest Continues", "Hegemony or Survival : America's Quest for Global Dominance", "Profits Over People: Neoliberalism and the Global Order";
Voltaire "What is Goth"; Nancy Kilpatric "The Goth Bible"; Paul Hodkinson "Goth: Identy, Style and Subculture"; Corey Robin "Fear: A History of a Political Idea"; Lauren M.E. Goodlad, Michael Biddy, editors "Goth: Undead Subculture"; Lev Vygotsky "Thought and Language"; Fyodor Dostoyevsky "Crime and Punishment"; Daniel Drache "Borders Matter: Homeland Security and the Search for North America"; Julie A. Mertus "Bait and Switch: Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy"; Maude Barlow "too close for comfort : Canada's Future within Fortress North America"; Michael Shermer "How We Believe: Science, Skepticism and the Search for God","The Science of Good & Evil"; Seymore M. Hersh "Chain of Command: The Road from 911 to Abu Graib"; Adam Smith "An Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations"; Ayn Rand "The Fountainhead"; Al Franken "Lies and the Lying Liers who Tell Them", "The Truth"; Jeffrey Simpson "The Friendly Dictatorship"; James Rachels (editor) "Moral Problems"; Craig Unger "House of Bush - House of Saud"; Jane Jacobs "The Dark Age Ahead"; Sam Harris "End of Faith"; Michael Moore "Stupid White Men","Dude Where's My Country", "Downsize This"; Paul William Robers "A War Against Truth"; Richard A.Clarke "Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror";Peter Hart "The Oh Really? Factor";Ben Fritz, Byan Keefer and Brendan Nyhan "All the President's Spin";
Brian Orend "Human Rights: Concept and Context";
Ann Cavoukian and Tyler J. Hamilton "The Privacy Payoff : How Successful Businesses Build Customer Trust";
William Greider "The Soul of Capitalism: Opening Paths to a Moral Economy";
Joseph A. Schumpeter "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy";
Karl Marx "The Communist Manifesto","The Capital";
Adolf Hitler "Mein Kampf";
Plato "The Apology";
Albert Einstein "Relativity: The Special and General Theory";
Brian Greene "The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory", "The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time and the Texture of Reality"; Stephen Hawkings "A Brief History of Time","The Universe in a Nutshell", "The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe ";
Joel Bakan "The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power";
Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner "Freakonomics" Jon Stewart "America (The Book)";
Pratap Chatterjee "Iraq,Inc.: A Profitable Occupation";
John W. Dean "Conservatives Without Conscience";
Bill Maher "When You Ride Alone You Ride With Bin Laden";
Don Stewart "Canadian Criminal Law: A Treatise ";
Steven D. Stark "Writing to Win: The Legal Writer";
Ruth Sullivan "Statutory Interpretation"
;Jean Berko Cleason "The Development of Language"
;Lynne Truss "Eats, Shoots & Leaves";
Romantz & Vinson "Legal Analysis: The Fundamental Skill";
Goerge S. Takashi "Computer Law";
Friedrich Nietzsche "The Antichrist","On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense"; Arthur Schopenhauer "The Art of Controversy"; Nicollo Machiavelli "The Prince";
Sun Tzu "The Art of War";
George Washington "The Maxims of George Washington";
King John "The Magna Carta 1215";
Religious Texts: The Book of the Law,The Koran The Holy Bible (King James Version); John Milton "Paradise Lost";Neal Donald Walsch "Conversations with God";
Notable Poets who I read:
John Donne, John Milton, Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare, Lord Byron, Sara Teasdale, Robert Frost, Geoffrey Chaucer


Noam Chomsky, John Milton, John Donne, Lord Byron and anyone who has a positive outlook on life which doesn't involve grasping at superstitions and myths but a bona fide desire to face the universe as our senses show us it must be and make the best of things for humanity as a whole.(by positive I do not mean optimistic. I mean a life which is devoted towards some constructive purpose.)And Horace Walpole. And Weird Al Yankovic (for being square before it was hip to be square).

My Blog

letter I wrote to Midnight calling magazine

I just read "Through the Past, Gothly" [ ] and all I can say is WOW.While many goths looked to the past to find legitimacy, some of us (I was born in '73) didn'...
Posted by The Darkness Visible on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 11:36:00 PST

Is your blood pressure a bit low?

feeling a bit lethargic? well this will raise your blood pressure: copyright%2C-or-else/2100-1028_3-6217943.html?tag=nefd.ledeI f there was ever a reas...
Posted by The Darkness Visible on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:02:00 PST

Another great quote from Ann Radcliffe

Ann Radcliffe, author of the Gothic Romance novel "The Italian" Published in 1796 included this little bit of wisdom:"Her expressive countenance disclosed to the Confessor the course of her thoughts a...
Posted by The Darkness Visible on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 08:08:00 PST

I have a choice?

Post-modernism has slipped her enervating noose over us, and silently six billion souls gasp, horrified but unaware. And none act. It is too late. Too late. And now no-one can remember what it was to ...
Posted by The Darkness Visible on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 11:52:00 PST

a letter I wrote to an online journalist about his goth coverage

Your article "Pale by comparison" parison/contains some statements which are misrepresentative of your sources.You cite a Ryerson press article http://w...
Posted by The Darkness Visible on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 05:35:00 PST

The Gap caught using child slave labour

news article: op.htmlquestion: if the GAP has 90 inspectors which insure that child labour isn't being used... how is it that a british newspaper jus...
Posted by The Darkness Visible on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:36:00 PST

excerpt from "The Italian" by Ann Radcliffe (c 1797)

But it is not yet too late to retrieve my own esteem by asserting my independence, and resigning Vivaldi for ever. By resigning him! by abandoning him who loves me,  abandoning him to misery! Him, wh...
Posted by The Darkness Visible on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:28:00 PST

Montreal Goth Scene

As many of you may have noticed the Toronto Goth Scene sucked this past weekend. This was primarily because I was in Montreal. I'm sorry but its true: without me Toronto would blow.anyway I thought I ...
Posted by The Darkness Visible on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 03:47:00 PST

Gothic Wisom of the Day

When you are wandering the forest at night and cross the path of a wolf and you order it to "heel", and the wolf huffs its breath and runs off. It is not rebelling against you. It is merely leaving be...
Posted by The Darkness Visible on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 01:34:00 PST

Gothic Wisdom of the Day

People who make a habit of spreading shit about others give off negative vibes about themselves and eventually ostracize all of their own "friends" and anyone who might have been one. It doesn't take ...
Posted by The Darkness Visible on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 05:15:00 PST