Music obviously. Dj-ing and talking about random things on the radio that we probably shouldn't. Getting free pizza from the panther plaza ladies :D
Anybody and everybody! As long as you can entertain us .Currently us Dj's have decided that we were going to play more unsigned bands. We also have guest spots available on our show and again would like to show case some of our local bands. So yah you should get ahold of us ! 614-253-3555. Tuesdays and Thurdays 6-10.
Free layouts at
Anything. If we actually have it we'll play it. People try to test us and they fail miserably!Arabic groove music and a christmas duet between Jessica Simpson & Rosie O'Donald are just a few great examples of that.
I posted this message because I want Devlin Murphy
to be a star. Save An Artist
DJ Sammy Pants:Fergie -cause she pee's her pants and just keeps on going. DJ Short Stack:Obi Duru-b/c I learned so much from him this past semester and well its Obi Duru , clearly one of the most amazing ppl to grace our airwaves! The Panther Plaza Ladies! They give us free pizza.