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About Me

International Paranormal Investigators (IPI) is an organisation put together to aid the paranormal community. Investigators whether independent or part of various organisations come together to share knowledge, techniques and build new contacts in the worlds community. Whether just starting out, looking for a team or researchers with many years experience all are welcome and looked at as equals by IPI. The main fundamental is everyone working together for the same cause; paranormal research and that elusive proof either way.Like anything new in the community many will have misconceptions regarding the status and motives of such a project and rightly so. IPI is not a paranormal investigation team and has no say over how its members investigate; IPI also has no desire to tell groups what protocols to use. This is all up to those who run their own teams and joining IPI does not change this. The direction of IPI is also worked on by all the teams who take part; its you who decides what will benefit the community and its you that will work with others to see this put into place. IPI is a joint effort from all, although there are coordinators in place we need all of you to work together to progress the organisation that in turn will improve the paranormal community.The paranormal community is not an easy place to work in as I’m sure many will know. Whether its due to group politics, turf wars or investigators who just need to open better communications locally; IPI are here to help. We aim to provide a full online site where everyone can meet up and discuss all things paranormal, work through problems and even improve with countless documentation along with links to everything needed to raise the standard of you or your groups research. Already this is in place and accessible by all and its all free. No need to pay for training with IPI as everything you need is there at a touch of a button.* The worlds Investigators in one place * Everyone working together to improve the paranormal community * Shared documentation to improve your research * Links to the best software to enhance your chances of good analysis * Local area Reps to help with problems * Specialists online to help you in any way they can * Get feedback on your captures * Share your pictures, videos and reports * Looking for a team or looking for investigator sections * Monthly chat nights to get to know each other and raise issues * Work on new projects together, theories to try and arrange joint investigations * Help to try stop problems with groups who ruin the community * Future conferences held the world over * Many more projects and progression to come with your helpWhat we dont do* Show any favouritism to organisations or Investigators no matter what their status * Merge teams or trying to create a huge investigation team. IPI is yours not yours IPI’s * Allow bashing of any teams or investigators on our forum boards or by our members; negativity breeds negativity and we are trying to cut it out in the community. * Try and make money or trying to be famous by creating IPI; This is solely for the community and the teams who have signed up to help. This is about pure research and improving how we look to our fellow teams; the general public whom need our help and the scientific community who we need onside. * Take sides in arguments; we will try and help resolve them though with the help of all groups who wish to offer advice. * Get involved in petty disputes or rise to any criticism of IPI or its members. We ignore such things and will continue to work for the community no matter what situations arise. We are here for the long haul as we believe in what we are doing. If trying to improve the community upsets others then so be it; many teams are fighting back for the cause and getting back to what we are here for. We do not force people to join us nor are we upset if some don’t wish to work for the community. You cant access the vast amount of data and help from IPI though if you wont work to improve the community. it’s a sharing network; the way it should be.The above will be updated regular as many new teams and independent investigators join to help IPI and put their views forward. This is a progressing organisation network that will move with the times; science evolves and so will the paranormal community with the help of IPI. We are new to the world paranormal community and this project will need time to grow with your help. If you have any questions regarding IPI please feel free to contact anyone involved.The feedback that we have had regarding IPI has all been very positive; people love the site and the fundamentals of this organisation network. IPI is the fastest growing project in the paranormal community today which tells us that its long overdue. As long as everyone does not lose sight in what we are doing here we expect IPI to be the place to improve the community and raise to a level never seen before. All the problems will be left behind by a huge percentage of the communities investigators and we should see the same percentage all working at a similar level of research that is a fantastic for all.The future of the paranormal community looks very bright thanks to all those giving some time to help others at IPI.Take CareRyan

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