What is the IPI-Massachusetts? It is the local branch of the IPI (International Paranormal Investigators) basiclly. The IPI was formed to try to promote unity and teamwork between the different paranormal groups around the world.
Many of us have gotten sicked of the "Turf Wars" that some groups had started out there. The IPI is trying to break down those barriers in any way that we can.
The IPI-Massachusetts is meant to help foster this unity within the state of Massachusetts as well as beyond.
IPI-MA's goals are:
Promote communication between the groups of MA.
Help plan joint investigations
Set up data sharing networks
Organize social get togethers for all groups to get to know one another.
To find out more about the IPI-Massachusetts Coordination program, visit our site here .
This site run by W.R.A.I.T.H. Paranormal
as well as SERT Paranormal, IPI-MA Reps.