Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) profile picture

Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef)

“Heart break is only 10% of destruction in our souls, 90% is how we handle the new endeavors, to t

About Me

Your Seduction Style: The Charismatic
You're beyond seductive, you're downright magnetic!
You life live and approach seduction on a grand scale.
You have an inner self confidence and energy that most people lack
It's these talents that make you seem extraordinary - and you truly are! What Is Your Seduction Style?[email protected] Welcome to my small island of paradise, surrounded by my Hedonism seductive, sensual essence of exotic infused food, where my food dares to tickle your soul, because I’m bringing sexy back to food the way the senses should escape into serenity, and bliss. I’m here to advertise my food, share with you pictures of my food, and my talent, as well as inspire you, read my blogs; they are inspirational as well as educational about food, poems, and some recipes. . I’ve been cooking for 17 years now, it's in my blood, breath it!!!!, live it!!!!With the deepest passions of life. I'm a well rounded radiant Positive Soul with Passion for Food and Life:) Unstoppable positive force that knows no bearers, and once my mind is set, I accomplish my goals. I’m a kitchen warrior, a cat on roller skates, cuz you need 9 lives to survive the Culinary world, and riding on God's shoulders :)... There's a saying if you can't take the heat get your ass out the kitchen, well I create heat for a living lol :).For anyone who has ever told you your crazy, well crazy is what crazy does, boring is not an option lol, and the secret ingredient is the spice of life!!!!!!!!!! There’s a free spirited open minded positive energy Aura vibe about me that is well balanced in life that was destined as a warrior in this life. I believe in shooting for the moon, if you miss, you land among the stars. I have a fighting spirit about me, with a youthful purity of my heart that has raised above all challenges in my life. My heart is led by Character, very spontaneous, leader, motivator, strong willed, devoted, and a successful innovating artist, who has sacrificed allot to get to the level I am. . I love stimulating, and inspiring others, sharing my knowledge, experience, working hard leading through example. No matter how many accolades I get, I stay true to myself with no ego, standing with confidence. I enjoy luxury and beauty in life, have an adventurous nature about me, and always challenging myself to bigger and better opportunities. I impress others with my original thoughts, and explosive charming magnetic charismatic personality that makes a strong lasting impression. My warm and easy persona is a gift that puts people at ease, as well as the ability to uplift the spirit in others. So this quote means eat something sweet, well you could do sour too lol, when your stressed and your feel better :) "Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" Enjoy :)
I was born and raised in Miami where I get my Cuban, Spanish influence and wild side :). I loved cooking ever since I was 8 years old, making cookies with my mom, and learning how to cook Asian food at the age of 11. I would go to my friends houses and prepare a full meal, with astonishment from my fans at such a young age; I owe it to my Mom for putting this passion and knowledge in my life. I was adopted at the age of 4, not knowing my nationality till 26,growing up confused, thought I might of had some Asian in me:), due to my sexy eye's lol.(I'm a Italian mutt, Bouillabaisse :)) and my mom thought she was Asian in her past life, an artist, and into Asian cultures through her pottery teaching classes. I was making dragon Plates out of ceramics at 10 years old. Brought up cooking Asian, Cuban food, and using chop sticks from the age of 6. I grew up with a new found respect for Asian cultures and cuisines through my mom, and traveling the world in the Navy cooking for 6,000 people on the USS Abraham Lincoln cvn 72 back in 1992. I have now learned how people live in different regions due to climates or how food is cultivated, and have learned more now in the Asian cultures about the people through food then any history class. I have a new found love and respect, knowledge of Asia, pan pacific and its food in my life. I have a fascination with the Asian cultures, dragons, yin yangs, martial arts, and beliefs ever since I was a kid. I'm Philipino warrior at heart for all that know me :), for I have been around it directly in my life for 14 years. Can cook Philipino, and teach classes as well. Before the Military, through high school I worked various restaurants in Miami, and then plunged into California working for Sheratons, Hotel Whitcomb - San Francisco, CA.across from the Orpheum Theatre the Asian Art Museum of SF. , Hyatt’s, Marriott’s, as well as one of the biggest convention center hotels in the bay area, cooking up to thousands in one day with separate kosher kitchen, Hilton’s, Wydham Hotels, and Casinos, as well as Catering, and consulting. I got my first Chef position at the age of 25 years old in Los Angeles, out of school at the California Culinary Academy, where I finished top of my class, working in a full service hotel through a chef training program for a year, and continue education at the culinary institute of America, two of the top Harvard schools in United states, and world. I love learning new things, going to school, and bettering myself. Just finished another degree with Heald College for my Sales, Marketing, and Advertising Degree, which I will use to launch my cookbooks , bottling my own sauces, cd Rom’s, This will be one of my ultimate goals. I have done most of my training and schooling in the Bay Area California San Francisco. I run a full service hotel now, and do offsite catering from 10 people to 1,000 people. Everything from sit down 3 to 9 course meals, Extravagant International low and high end Buffets, Wine dinners with the wine makers all over Napa Valley, where I work with the owners of the winery to use chemistry and biology of food, to match 5 course meals with different varietals of their wine to create a match made in heaven. I also do Chef instructing at Shallots cooking school, where I teach up to 40 people how to cook a couple times a month. Volunteer my time to go to farmer markets and teach people how to cook with, the seasonality of fruits and vegetables, by doing demonstrations, and handing out samples and my recipes. Do Ice carving as well. I do charity events to help unfortunate people with my time raising thousands of dollars and publicity through the community with my food. I’ve been published in news papers, magazines, on local TV, and advertised, as well as talked about on the radio. I’m a small celebrity Chef where I run the full service hotel right now. I cook private events for the richest and famous people, and did the VH1 music awards VIP Party at Ruby Sky’s number one club in San Francisco 3 years ago, displaying all desserts hosted by Hypnotic, where I used light blue white Garadelli chocolate dipped strawberries infused with hypnotic. I also catered John B’s concert for the VIP’s at the gift center on Valentines Day 4 years ago, in San Francisco. I’ve cooked for the president, and singers, and actors as well. I’ve been participating in Food competitions for 10 years now, all over the bay area winning mostly first place, and took the Iron Chef Completion first place in my home town. Personal friends with Cat Cora who is the first Iron Chef Woman USA, who uses my kitchen to practice, since she lives down the street. My food is very inspiring on the cutting edge of infusion cuisine, where I’m more of a pioneer, creating new dishes all the time. I mastered South American, Caribbean, Hawaiian and Pan Pacific, where I fuse them together to create hot vibrant, beautiful culinary creations that are out of this world. I also do food art where I create huge center pieces together made out of fruits and vegetables, tropical islands, swans, roses, and beautiful creations. I’m a true artist with creativity, passion, talent. My food is Sexy, which I get the name Sexy Chef; this will be my trade mark when I make it big on TV. My biggest goal is to get on the food network, where the world will truly see a young talented inspiring chef take off, showing the world a whole other side of cooking. One day the world will know me. Anyone who has had my food has fallen in love with it, and it has made me successful in this culinary world. Through my passions, and love, I have learned every cuisine around the world, and understand food as a master of the craft now, as well as wine. Gastrique Culinary Mecca Sexy Chef creating memories to last a lifetime of my food. Love me without fear, trust me without wondering. Love me without restrictions. Want me without demand. Accept me how I am. True friends will grow with you even though you're apart, the rest are not friends. Food is life, cooking is soul!" I'm truly blessed having beautiful amazing friends and family, that has made my life rich that no money can buy. My positive unstoppable force of energy is going somewhere and will not bow down to no one, till it reaches its passion leaving footprints in your heart and on your palate!!!!!!!!!! And a super sized smile :)! Let me leave you with a few quotes: Expressions of My Vision..."Your looks may grab my eye, but your personality will hold my heart." -Chris Carlo":) "I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it- Maya Angelou" Life is only 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it, so my attitude is a good one for I use my heart to lead, for Anger is only one letter short of danger. (Me) Yours truly Chef James

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My Interests

My interests are traveling around the world tiring different cuisines, wine tasting, visiting wineries, seeing how people live, learning appreciating life more. Friends family, trying new restaurants, going to beaches around the world, love beaches. Love to get down in the clubs, dancing till you drop, and working out, body building, boxing, martial Arts. I’m a passionate back in the day water junky, who loves anything to do with water. Love Surfing, boogie boarding,Kite surfing, Wave running, waterskiing, wakeboarding, hydro sliding, tubing, boating, and fishing in the Florida Keys, adrenalin junky who loves the rush of anything including jumping out of planes, bungee jumping. Love the rush of food competitions, or doing the impossible through being a kitchen god, creating miracles when all odds are against me, coming out on top.Love doing non profit culinary events to help good causes. I’m the happiest when I’m chilling at the beach with great food, friends, family. src=" yyywr8xd9fd8.jpg" ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ I have a dragon Tattoo that is clawing at the sun, which is also the moon, shaded in as a yin yang; I’m getting my arm piece that will involve the coi fish with the dragon and yin yang tribal, which are my passions in life. According to a Japanese legend, once the koi succeeds in swimming up the river and enters Dragon's Gate, the koi itself will be transformed into a dragon. The dragon, symbol of light (yang) and its opposite, the tiger, symbol of darkness (yin) are always in a constant battle. But this is a necessary fight as it brings balance. The dragon, tiger, and koi are all symbols of good luck and fortune, and I’m a Libra, which means the balance of life peace and harmony, which I was Destin for these signs in my life. This would best describe my character in life and my cooking.

Love doing volunteer work, even when I was in high school for hurricane victims, and going to the retirement homes and spending time with the elderly people that had no families that would go see them. There is something special about touching people's lives, and making them happier because you care. I spend allot of my time these days doing fund raiser work, raising money to help out with projects to get homeless people off the street, and back into society, so we don't give up on humanity. Help raise money for the unfortunate children, children's schools,Hospitals for sick children, and anything if it's a good cause for humanity. My time to cook a 5 course meals for 10 people privately at their home raises $3,000.00 a piece at auctions in my community, and I do 20 a year, as a celebrity Chef, not to mention all the other events I do. There is nothing more rewarding then knowing your time can be sooo much to others. Its one thing to throw money to charities if you have it, but what I do can raise allot for my time and make a difference to so many, and make me feel so good.July 28, 2007. I was the Co producer for Chef's for charity for a huge high end event in Sacramento for the Virginia Tech Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund, showing that food creates comfort. We raised allot of money with live bands celebrity chefs of Sacramento, showcasing their food in a food challenge with wineries as well. You can click the link to see the live news feed on Good day Sacramento I was on live..... ([email protected] )( )If you have any ideas, or do this, send me a message and we will talk.

Life without passion and spice is dull:) "Nothing evokes emotion more than food."

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I'd like to meet:

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.. All the cool peps! People that think different; have a passion for life, laughing, having fun, and not taking everything so serious. People who love traveling eating in new restaurants,Love food, parting, and just plain crazy!!!!!!! People who live their life, no matter what they do, what they make, or how they are judged, as long as they are not hurting anyone, and the main focus is they are happy in this lifetime! Love people that love themselves, positive motivating force within my life.I admire intelligence, and have a regard for those with wisdom and insight."I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."Friendship is a sovereign antidote agianst all calamities"--Seneca"=Bob Marley & Lauryn Hill - Turn Your Lights Down Low"Add to My Profile | More Videos
Turn Your Lights Down Low
By Bob Marley
.. What Color Is Your Aura?
Your aura shines Red!
Take this quiz !

Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeVote for me on the food network nerds page, #2 on my top page, Sexy CHef V's Vic Vegas for the ultimate chef throw Down!!! Turning up the Heat Bay!!!!!Miami style


Very open minded, am the type of person, put me in a room with people and any music, and I will adapt and have the best time in the world. Very diverse, anything to put me in the zone:),Love my reagee!!!!!!!!!!


A movie of my life one day :).. Everything, big movie buff!!!!!!! Love staying home all day on dark stormy rainy days watching movies ..

.. Hot Pursuit best describes my character in life, I will never back down, Strong willed fighter, and will go through hell and back to achieve my goals, never giving up.


Me on the cooking channel soon...

Bones, house, Iron Chef America, No reservations Anything with food


Working on 2 books right now...I have thousands of culinary and wine books that I am always updating, researching, and learning new things. “Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.”


My parents who adopted me when I was 4 years old, after living in 12 differnt foster homes, allowing me to grow up with a real family , having a chance :), made me the warrior I am today...anyone who Donates their time to charities, to help people, and care for people , creating smiles on children, elder, and unfortunate people, making their lives better. All the military, and Vetrans that allow us to be free.......................................

My Blog

Featured on the taste of america 5/28/08 at 11pm eastern 8pm western

..TR> .. --> body :: navigation --> I will be featured on the 11pm eastern solano california tomato festival, doing an heirloom tomato localy in the town where i work, and get my produce fresh fro...
Posted by Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:39:00 PST

selling my timeshare

  Selling my time share for $4,500, it sells for $11,000, letting it go... in mexico on the water, and can use the other 5 resorts they have. It's a 1 bedroom, 2 bath fully equiped with...
Posted by Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) on Wed, 21 May 2008 07:46:00 PST

This is what put me and vic on the map for our charity work in december

.. --> skip links for text browsers -->skip to main | skip to sidebar VINO LAS VEGAS LLC Las Vegas has become a Fine Dining and Wine Meca for the world. Join us a we indulge in the wine cultu...
Posted by Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 04:54:00 PST

winning positive thought quotes that drove me to finish what we started

Robert H.Schuller: Quotes about WinningIt takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.Stephen Covey: Quotes on TeamworkStr...
Posted by Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:24:00 PST

menu of fame

  We had 3 hours to prep, cook and pack all this ready to transport to the ballet where we had to unload , set the table and arrange all pieces of the cocktail party for the ballet talk abou...
Posted by Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 02:49:00 PST

Food Network

..TR> Leaving tomorrow for the food Network in Denvor Co. The time has come:) I leave tomorrow and I’m going to do what i do, and thats create amazing food, but this time in front of a live ...
Posted by Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:29:00 PST


" Life is about keeping your balance no matter how hard the struggle may seem...Speak your truth, Sing your love, Dance your soul, Free your spirit. ""...
Posted by Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:48:00 PST

Chef James, (chef for charitys) Fund rasier to help the kids this christmas in Vegas

Posted by Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 03:09:00 PST

Why I always say Keep the passion alive!!!!!!!!!

I think that people who evoke passion in their lives tend to rise to the Top more. I think as a chef, it's easy to get lost or loose your passion sometimes. I have lost it twice in 17 years cooking no...
Posted by Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 10:32:00 PST

Why they call me the Sexy Chef

Well it's a name my guest who eat my food call me for years, and it just followed me around from place to place. When I cook food, I just don't cook it, I put my heart and soul , passion into each pie...
Posted by Chef James Aptakin (AKA-Sexy Chef) on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 07:05:00 PST