I LOVE SEXY...Woman, Men, photographs, shoes, jeans, art, jewelry, make-up, hair, toes, sheets, songs, skin, colors,smiles, and sexy kisses.Sexy is NOT something you become, or something you attain. It's not something to acquire or something you can aspire to be. Sexy is something you are. Sexy is a full time state, past, present, and future. In all its entirety, sexy is born sexy, stripped of all material things.Are you Sexy? 'Cause if you are then I LUV U!!! lol
I'd like to meet people who are honest with themselves & with others; People who enjoy a smile, laughter, and waking up in the morning; People who appreciate what little they have, because there are so many people who have nothing at all; People who begin their day optimistic because life is what you make it; People who enjoy making a difference in someone's day with a warm hug or a sweet hello; People who know forgiveness; People who are driven & strive to be at their best, no matter what situation or obstacle awaits them; People who don’t hate other people because hatred is wasted energy and could easily be replaced with positive feelings attributed to so many other aspects in their life; People who are confident with themselves because confidence equates to self love, and we have to love ourselves before we can love others; and most importantly, People who can relate to these words, "THE MEANING OF LIFE IS TO SEEK HAPPINESS" – DALAI LAMA♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥I live life with no judgment & no regret, & surround myself with good positive people who motivate & help me continue in the never ending Pursuit towards happiness. It’s not selfish to let go of hurt, Pain, and Anger, especially if it comes in the form of someone else:) Lets accept responsibility for ourselves & never blame anyone else for how we feel. We make who we are, and if we believe in the positive, we progress towards the positive. We only hurt when we believe something to be true, so let us own who we are & not let others tell us who we need to be. Tomorrow means a second chance @Everything, but Today can be a new begining for Anything!;)xOxO~APWhatever you're passionate about in life, make it happen within your life time. Enjoy, Learn, and appreciate what you can offer to world. Find forgivness. PEACE & LOVE To ALL, especially those who may harness hurt & anger in their heart=)
I ♥ SEXY SONGS;) But I'll listen to anything that complements my heart for the moment. I don't discriminate. I luv it all!
Best movie ever~ "The Motorcycle Diaries"~ The pictorials are amazing! It’s a Spanish foreign film~but you don’t have to understand what they're saying to comprehend a man's life changing journey. It's such a beautiful reflection of human kindness, struggle, and triumph. Oh..& it helps that Gael Garcia Bernal is Fiiiiine...lol
I don't watch TV unless there is absolutely nothing else to do :)
I like to read things that inspire the imagination & spirit. If you’re not an avid reader but want to start with something positive, read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.It’s not a secret that life is what you make it, but knowing how to bring forth happiness, love, and success is within everyone’s reach. Dream BIG & LOVE LIFE!And let me know what U think=)
~Siddhartha, my E-Mae, & my lil-Princess Arris~