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Against Animal Abuse

The Greatness Of A Nation And Its Moral Progress Can Be Judged By The Way Its Animals Are Treated. -

About Me

Hear our prayer O Lord ... for animals that are overworked, underfed, and cruelly treated; for all wistful creatures in captivity that beat their wings against bars; for any that are hunted or lost or deserted or frightened or hungry; for all that must be put to death.... And for those who deal with them we ask a heart of compassion and gentle hands and kindly words. ~ Albert Schweitzer ~ May all that have life be delivered from suffering - Buddha
You Were a Crow
Eternally wise, you have a deep understand of ethics.
You guide people from the darkness to the light. What Animal Were You In a Past Life? My name is Stephanie aka Serenity, I am 20 years old and I am from Goshen, Indiana. I created this page for the people who want to speak out and make a difference against animal abuse. My intentions with this page is to help get petitions started and signed, To Educate people on how bad Animal Abuse really is...Alot of people are left in the dark on how awful and REAL Animal Abuse is. I want people to speak their mind about animal cruelty and step up and do something about it! I am very much into animal activism and have been for along time. This page is ONLY for the people who are against animal abuse and want to speak out against it. So, Don't just send a friend request then plan on doing absolutely NOTHING. If you send a request..Plan to speak out and actually do SOMETHING or be deleted. I, myself believe that animals should have just as many rights as humans if not MORE! Humans are the ones corrupting this world with pollution,killing and war....When humans kill they do it out of pure hatred and spite against someone...When animals kill they do it to LIVE and SURVIVE. Animals to me, are humans but without a VOICE! So, Speak out for them and make a difference. Some of the photos that I may put on my site over time may be graphic...But, the truth must be known to do something about it. You can not support something that you can't even look at! Even though alot of pictures I have seen have broken my heart....I know that I have to stay strong in order to make a difference Here is how YOU can help...Here is my advice. Get involved, Stop turning the other way, Teach children to respect animals, Write your congressman and other public officials encouraging tougher Animal Cruelty Laws, Just SPEAK OUT! My personal page is I hope my site can give you the facts you need, and educate you on the cruel world of Animal Abuse. "It's not wrong to do the right thing."
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My Interests

Dolphins and Whales in Captivity A study in 1985 revealed that of 32 killer whales examined after dying in aquariums around the world, half had died of bacterial infections, and one quarter of pneumonia. 53% of those dolphins who survive the violent capture die within 90 days. The average life span of a dolphin in the wild is 45 years; yet half of all captured dolphins die within their first two years of captivity. The survivors last an average of only 5 years in captivity. Every seven years, half of all dolphins in captivity die from capture shock, pneumonia, intestinal disease, ulcers, chlorine poisoning, and other stress-related illnesses. To the captive dolphin industry, these facts are accepted as routine operating expenses. In many tanks the water is full of chemicals as well as bacteria, causing many health problems in dolphins including blindness. When a baby dolphin is born in captivity, the news is usually kept secret until the calf shows signs of survival. Although marine mammals do breed in captivity, the birth rate is not nearly as successful as the one in the wild, with high infant mortality rates. Wild dolphins can swim 40 to 100 miles per day - in pools they go around in circles. Many marine parks subject their mammals to hunger so they will perform for their food. Jumping through hoops, tailwalking and playing ball are trained behaviors that do not occur in the wild. Confined animals who abuse themselves (banging their heads against the walls) are creating stimuli which their environment cannot supply. Dolphins in captivity tend to develop stereotypical behaviors (swimming in repetitive circle pattern, with eyes closed and in silence) because of boredom and confinement . This is equivalent to the swaying and pacing of primates, lions, tigers and bears confined in cages. Dolphins are predators of fish and spend up to half of their time in the wild hunting for food. Supplying dead fish results in less exercise and lack of mental stimulation, thus causing boredom. When trapped together, males often become agitated and domineering. This creates pecking orders (unknown in the wild) and unprovoked attacks on each other and the trainers. In the ocean, although fights are not unknown, the wild dolphins have a chance to escape. You can help by informing your Senators and Representative of your feelings on this issue. Be aware of articles about captive marine mammals in newspapers and magazines and be prepared to respond with letters to the editor. Let marine parks and aquaria know your position on capturing marine mammals from the wild and ask them voluntarily to discontinue this practice. Consider a grass-roots effort to enact state legislation that prohibits the display of newly caught marine mammals. Please join with The Humane Society of the United States, to add your voice to on-going efforts to protect all animals. We must continue our work to strengthen existing laws that protect marine mammals and to change the practices that harm them, in this country and abroad. Write to The Humane Society of the United States at 2100 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037 or call at (202) 452-1100 for more information.Why am I being put to sleep When there is a promise I need to keep Of playing, snuggling and giving joy To a little girl or lonely boy. God put me here to make them glad, Did I do something wrong? Was I bad?Animal Testing:YOUR tax dollars pay for countless animals experiments funded by the government! As many as 115 million animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories in the U.S. every year. Much of the experimentation-including pumping chemicals into rats' stomachs, hacking muscle tissue from dogs' thighs, and putting baby monkeys in isolation chambers far from their mothers-is paid for by you, the American taxpayer and consumer, yet you can't visit a laboratory and see how the government has spent your money. You can't even get an accurate count on the number of animals killed every year because experimenters and the government have decided that mice and rats and certain other animals don't even have to be counted.Animal experimentation is a multibillion-dollar industry fueled by massive public funding and involving a complex web of corporate, government, and university laboratories, cage and food manufacturers, and animal breeders, dealers, and transporters. The industry and its people profit because animals, who cannot defend themselves against abuse, are legally imprisoned and exploited. You'd probably be even more horrified to know that your tax dollars fund the same experiments by the federal government right here in the U.S.--and not just at the Defense Department. As unbelievable as it may seem, The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires by law that pesticides be tested on dogs, who are shoved into "inhalation chambers" where they try in vain to escape the deadly poisons that are pumped in. The Food and Drug Administration )FDA) requires companies marketing fluoride products to swab the teeth of 200 rats with the test substance for two weeks, at which time the animals are killed and their heads baked in an oven for an hour. While both the EPA and the FDA require massive amounts of animal testing for the marketing of industrial chemicals, vaccines, and drugs, other U.S. agencies that require and/or conduct animal testing include the Department of Agriculture, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and the Department of Transportation.A lethal poisoning test invented around the time of World War I--in which animals are force-fed increasing doses of a chemical until they die--is still the single most common animal test in use today. Government regulations still require chemical manufacturers to squirt burning chemicals into rabbits' eyes and onto their shaved skin. Some government-mandated tests kill more than 2,000 animals every time they are conducted. And not a single one of these animal tests has ever been formally proved to be relevant to or able to accurately predict human health effects. The EPA requires more animal testing than any other federal agency yet hasn’t banned a single toxic industrial chemical in more than a decade! Rather than working to reduce emissions and prevent human and environmental exposures to toxic chemicals, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has instead chosen to establish "acceptable" exposure levels based on the results of animal tests. In fact, the EPA requires more animal-based chemical toxicity testing than any other federal agency. The EPA has not banned a single toxic industrial chemical using its authority under the Toxic Substances Control Act, despite killing hundreds of thousands of animals and despite urgent calls to limit chemical exposures.U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Drugs: The marketing of drugs and other pharmaceutical products in the U.S. is controlled under the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act, which empowers the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research to require extensive toxicity testing on animals before a new drug is deemed "safe" for marketing. In order to satisfy FDA data requirements, thousands of rats, mice, rabbits, dogs, and primates are killed in "pre-clinical" laboratory poisoning experiments to assess the safety of new drugs (including all ingredients and even minor differences in formulation). Commonly required animal tests include the following: Acute (short-term) toxicity: 7 to 20 rats + dogs or primates Subchronic (14- to 180-days) toxicity: rats + dogs or primates Chronic (lifetime) toxicity: 120 rats + 32 dogs or primates Cancer effects: 400 rats + 400 mice Toxicity to reproduction: Segment I (reproductive toxicity in 2 generations): 2,500 rats Segment II (birth defects): 900 rabbits + 1,300 rats Segment III (peri- and postnatal effects): rats Metabolism and pharmacological interactions of active ingredients Specialty studies: Genetic toxicity: 80 hamsters/mice x 2 to 5 separate studies Immune-system toxicity: 32 rats Skin/eye/mucosal irritation: 3 rabbits per test Following this extensive battery of animal testing, drugs generally undergo four phases of clinical trials before they are considered for widespread human use. The fact that months or years of human studies are required over and above the standard battery of animal tests suggests that health authorities do not trust the results of animal experiments--and for good reason. A significant number of drugs are rejected during human clinical trials because they are found to cause toxic and other adverse health effects "not predicted" in pre-clinical animal experiments. In fact, a report by the U.S. General Accounting Office found that more than half (51.5 percent) of 198 drugs marketed between 1976 and 1985 caused serious adverse reactions, including heart failure, convulsions, seizures, kidney and liver failure, birth defects, and blindness, among other effects. All the drugs were animal-tested in accordance with international guidelines, yet most of these drugs had to be relabeled and severely restricted or withdrawn altogether.Companies NOT To Buy From...Heres ONLY Some Of The Companies That DO Test On Animals: 1.) Vidal Sassoon 2.) Clorox Bleach 3.) Cover Girl Make-up 4.) Crest Toothpaste 5.) Neutrogena 6.) Dawn Dishsoaps 7.) Sally Hansen 8.) Arm & Hammer 9.) BenGay 10.) Bounty Laundry Detergent 11.) Raid Bug Spray 12.) Pine-Sol 13.) Kleenex 14.) Giorgio 15.) Lava Soaps 16.) Listerine 17.) Lysol 18.) Vaseline 19.)Windex 20.) Glade Air-Spray 21.) Scotch Tape 22.) Suave Beauty Products 23.) Tilex Mold Remover 24.) Tide Laundry Detergent 25.) Woolite 26.) Mop & Glo 27.) Nair Hair Remover 28.) Coppertone Sunscreen 29.) Banana Boat Sunscreen 30.) Carpet Fresh 31.) Drano Drain Cleaner 32.) Finesse Beauty Products 33.) Polident Denture 34.) Flame Glow 35.) 3M 36.) Ban Roll-On 37.) Cutex Nail Products 38.) EcoLab 39.) Lever Soap 40.) Sun StarCruelty-Free Companies That You Should SUPPORT...Here's ONLY Some Of The Companies That DO NOT Test On Animals:1.) Aloe Vera Of America 2.) Abercrombie and Fitch 3.) Avon 4.) Bath and Body Works 5.) Victoria's Secret 6.) Urban Decay 7.) Tommy Hilfiger (Estee' Lauder) 8.) Revlon ( Almay, Jean Nate') 9.) PetGaurd 10.) Paul Mitchell 11.) OxyFresh Worldwide 12.) Mary Kay Cosmetics 13.) Lightning Products 14.) Lander Co. 15.) K.B. Products 16.) Fruit of The Earth 17.) Estee' Lauder 18.) Dr. Goodpet 19.) Candy Kisses Natural Lip-Balm 20.) Bug Off 21.) Bonne Bell 22.) Almay..

Sign the Bat Petition!..

Sign the Wolf Petition!

I'd like to meet:

href="" target="_blank" "What is it that should trace the insuperable line? ...The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?" - Jeremy Bentham Puppy Mills: When you buy a puppy from a pet store or puppy mill you subject the mommy to more torture, They just breed her more. Every time a puppy is bought from a puppy mill or pet store a shelter puppy dies.Facts On Puppy Mills:1.)Dogs are bred & rebred every time they come into heat.2.)They live outside most of the time in cages with wire bottoms where they get caught and tear they legs or worse.3.)Sometimes these are stacked where the feces & urine goes down into the cages below.4.)Outside in hot or cold temperatures Rain snow it doesn't matter. They are not protected.5.)Many times there are several in one cage crowded and crapped The filth is enough to make them sick and there is no vetinerary care for those who are or are injured.6.)They are never left out of their cages- never loved or handled.7.)Babies are born with defects from the abuse.8.)They are inter bred which can lead to more defects.9.)They are feed only enough to keep them alive. Most of the time the food bowls are empty and no water.10.)Some places ram pipes down their throats to keep them from barking.11.)Puppies are taken from the mothers long before it is time. They are shipped in trucks sometimes across states overcrowded and not taken care of.12.)Brokers take them to pet stores to sell. They have not been checked for defects or any diseases.13.)When a puppymill puppy is bought - the owner can end up paying thousands of dollars because of the conditions they were bred and transported in.14.)A lot don't even make it. They die before they ever get to the pet stores.15.)If they are deformed and not good for more breeding they are killed in inhumane ways.16.)They are never socialized. They never get out of they cages.17.)Many of these puppies are born with genetic conditions of the heart and lungs, seizures which sometimes don't show up for years.18.)Many of them have parvo, worms, mange, and various other disorders.19.)Even if they come with registration papers - it does not mean they came from good breeding conditions.20.)The AKC receives revenue from the millers for these registrations When the parents are no longer useful to the millers they are disposed of- (shot- beat or what ever methods they want to use. )Remember this for every puppy sold at a pet shop - A shelter puppy dies.Please Consider These Facts Before You Buy:Fact: Over five hundred thousand puppies are born in puppy mills every single year while shelter animals die. Fact: Female dogs are bred as soon as they can bred and twice a year thereafter until their bodies wear out and they die at about four or five years old or are destroyed. Fact: The puppies born in mills are proned to diseases, genetic defects, and emotional problems. Fact: Most kennels do not have climate control. The dogs are out in the cold winter and the hot summer, often dying from exposure. Puppies are known to have "cooked on the wires." Fact: Female dogs are bred so many time their internal organs can grow together. Fact: Dogs suffer malnutrition so severe that their hair falls out. Fact: The combination of poor food, poor conditions and no veterinary care causes their teeth to rot at early ages. Often the dogs have gum disease and their jaws rot. Fact: Dogs often have their feet or legs are ripped off trying to get their feet and legs freed from being caught in the wires of the cages Fact: Dogs are debarked by shoving a metal pipe down their throats to rupture their vocal cords. Fact: When dogs can no longer produce, they are often shot, hit in the head or worse Fact: They never know love or human companionship. The conditions in the mills are horrible and terrifying. Many dogs eventually lose their minds. Their eyes glaze over and they withdraw. Frequently they develop repetitive behaviors like licking, biting their fur and going round and round in circles. The dogs never get out of the their cages. . They never run in the grass. Dogs are often trapped in cages with aggressive dogs and have no way to escape.


Dog Food Company: Is your pet eating food that may have caused the suffering and death of another companion animal?? Iams • dogs kept in barren steel cages for up to six years at a time • dogs gone insane from intense confinement • dogs with their vocal cords severed and huge chunks of muscle cut from their bodies • dogs with tubes stuck down their throatsThe Department of Transportation (DOT) is about as compassionate as a hit and run driver when it comes to animals. The DOT has sanctioned hideously cruel skin-corrosivity experiments to test hazardous chemicals on rabbits despite the fact these tests are completely unnecessary since there is a federally approved, non-animal test called Corrositex available. Animal tests are a one way street to pain and suffering. In order to test corrosive chemicals such as Savage Acid and Goodbye Graffiti, rabbits backs are shaved and corrosive chemicals are applied onto their raw skin and left for up to two weeks. The chemicals burn the skin, and the rabbits are given no pain relief. It's a dead end street for the rabbits who are killed after the test period. Demand that the DOT yield to PETA's request that only non-animal tests, such as Corrositex be used. Write: The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta The Secretary of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation 400 Seventh St. S.W. Washington, DC 20590


The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside us while we live. -- Norman Cousins The Military's War On Animals. Hundreds of Thousands of Animals Killed Annually in Cruel Military Experiments News programs have been airing ghastly video footage from Afghanistan that shows dogs dying agonizing deaths in al-Qaeda military experiments. One tape shows a dog trapped in a room with vapor rising. The dog begins licking his lips (increased saliva is one of the first signs of poisoning), loses control of his hindquarters, and is eventually seen lying on his back, moaning. However, these cruel experiments are nothing new-nor are they confined to Afghanistan. The war on animals is an international one. From Tel Aviv to Tehran to Texas, dogs and other animals are being poisoned and otherwise tortured in chemical, biological, and conventional warfare experiments. PETA has equally barbaric, secretly shot footage, from 1977, of Israeli soldiers injecting- and killing-dogs with what appear to be nerve agents. No matter where you stand on international conflicts, it is a painful fact that the Israeli army has also blown up unanesthetized pigs with Scud missile explosives and conducted other painful experiments on dogs, monkeys, doves, mice, toads, and guinea pigs. An article in the March 17, 2000, issue of Ha'aretz, Israel’s most respected daily newspaper, reported that experiments carried out by the Israel Defense Forces on animals were so horrific that the soldiers forced to conduct the experiments had to seek psychological counseling. The United States military has a long history of conducting cruel animal experiments.


Despite international outrage, the 2005-2006 Taiji dolphin slaughter has begun in Japan. Thousands of dolphins (or, some argue, porpoises) are expected to be killed secretly, under cover of tarps, in Taiji Bay in Southern Japan this winter. Much of the dolphin meat is expected to be labeled “whale meat” for sale in local food markets. Consuming whale meat is considered acceptable in Japan, as many older people grew up eating whale in school lunches. In fact, Japan is fighting international policy in an attempt to increase its whaling industry. Some cite the dolphin slaughter as “pest control” because dolphins supposedly are interfering with the commercial fishing inU.S. Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans on June 22 announced he certified to President Bush that Icelandic nationals are hunting whales in a manner that diminishes the effectiveness of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) conservation program. The United States officially condemned Iceland and Japan for their ongoing whale hunts. Both nations contend the hunts are necessary for scientific research, but U.S. officials say that excuse is baseless and the hunts are undermining international whale conservation efforts program. Evans kept Japan certified for its annual whale harvest. "The lethal research whaling conducted by both Iceland and Japan is unnecessary for the management of whales, and we urge them to use non-lethal research methods," said U.S. Commerce Secretary Donald Evans. Iceland, Japan and Norway are the only three nations engaged in whaling. Both Iceland and Japan hunt whales under an exemption to the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling that allows whaling for scientific research. Critics see the whale hunts by Japan and Iceland as poorly disguised commercial whaling. They note both governments fund their whaling programs and the meat is sold in supermarkets and restaurants in both countries. Japan and Iceland say that under the terms of the IWC scientific whaling provision, all the meat of the animals killed for research must be utilized, not discarded. Norway objected to the IWC moratorium and is not held to its terms. According to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), the resumption of whaling by Iceland last year, along with the whale hunts by Japan and Norway, has brought whaling to an all-time high since the moratorium was adopted in 1986. The U.S. Commerce Department listed Iceland and Japan under the Pelly Amendment, a 1967 measure developed to impose economic and political pressure on governments and fishing fleets that do not respect international conservation eff

My Blog

Help Feed Unwanted Animals For Free!

The Animal Rescue Site focuses the power of the Internet on a specific need  providing food for some of the 27 million unwanted animals given to shelters in the U.S. every year. Over 10 million anima...
Posted by Against Animal Abuse on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 08:24:00 PST

Stop Polar Bear Trophy Hunting Petition

Sign and Read the Petition below to Stop Polar Bear Trophy Hunting! Thank You....
Posted by Against Animal Abuse on Fri, 25 May 2007 06:54:00 PST

Fur Hag, Read.

Though, I Find this VERY Stupid because it's MISS MYSPACE USA The name Says it All. GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE.... "Miss MySpace USA" lmao. Anyway, I am Posting this because I am an Animal Activist and a...
Posted by Against Animal Abuse on Sat, 19 May 2007 09:44:00 PST

33 Reasons Why Animal Testing Is Pointless...Read.

33 Reasons Animal Testing is Pointless(1) Less than 2% of human illnesses (1.16%) are ever seen in animals.(2) According to the former scientific executive of Huntingdon Life Sciences, animal tests an...
Posted by Against Animal Abuse on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 10:44:00 PST

Petition: Say No To New Cosmetic Testing On Animals

Go To The Link Below And Sign This Petition To Say NO To Cosmetic Testing On Animals......Read. Thank You. -Serenity...
Posted by Against Animal Abuse on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 12:01:00 PST

Petition: Include Birds, Rats, and Mice in the Animal Welfare Act

Go To The Link Below And Sign The Petition To Include Birds, Rats, and Mice in the Animal Welfare Act..... (The Animals That Are Most Subjected To Animal Testing)
Posted by Against Animal Abuse on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 11:56:00 PST

Petition: Pigs In Pain

Go To The Link Below And Sign The Petition To Stop The Suffering Of These Pigs....Read. Thank You. -Serenity...
Posted by Against Animal Abuse on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 11:52:00 PST

Petition: Against Animal Testing

Go To The Link Below And Sign The Petition Against Animal Testing.... Thank You. -Serenity...
Posted by Against Animal Abuse on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 11:47:00 PST

Petition: Help Save Our Oceans!

Please Sign The Link Below To Sign The Petition To Help Save Our Oceans!!! Thank You -Serenity...
Posted by Against Animal Abuse on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 10:04:00 PST