Akipo profile picture


Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted, as the Old Man of the Mountain once said.

About Me

“Ne travaillez pas, n’aimez pas, ne lisez pas, pensez à moi ; j’ai trouvé le rire nouveau qui donne le laissez-passer. Il n’y a rien à comprendre, vis pour ton plaisir, il n’y a rien, rien, rien que la valeur que tu donneras toi-même à tout.” Picabia

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My Interests

C/Sant Pau 65 in Barcelona,18 Rue Sainte Catherine 69001 in Lyon,C/ Olmo 26 in Madrid,Calle Granada 68 in Málaga.(plus some bass,jewish harp,bad freejazzpunk drums,out of tone guitar,banging metal objects etc..)

I'd like to meet:

john zorn,guy debord,asger jorn,joseph beuys,william seward burroughs, boyd rice,henry miller,maya deren,derek jarman,robert frank,e.e.cummings,natsuko tohno,hal hartley,donata wenders and her husband,Hassan-i Sabbah,the Cramps,g.i. mpampasakis,tom waits,jan svankmajer,Brothers Quay,Charlotte Gainsbourg,Abdul mati Klarwein. (and the musicians who would like to do some of their cover art with me)


holympus grail,john zorn,miles davis,sonic youth,sleep chamber,einstuerzende neubauten,Die Tödliche Doris,la monte young,faust,boredoms,foetus,tuxedomoon,don cherry,smegma,lydia lunch,gyorgy ligeti,mihalis siganidis,mike patton,dave holland,tortoise,blue bob,charlotte gainsbourg,neu,tim berne,tom waits,floros flwridis,melt banana,fred frith,zeena parkins,captain beefheart,derek bailey,slayer,frank zappa,otomo yoshihide,pierre henry,anthony braxton,ron carter and always The Clash!


'the day i injured bloody mary' by s.kouv


visit also : http://akipo.deviantart.com/




'no more heroes anymore'

My Blog

Assorted Tales

Assorted Tales, Assorted Datesby Michael Dawson, aka Biffy the Elephant Shrew   © 2000 by Michael Dawson First time: March 24, 1973; Saturday night at the San Diego Sports Arena. The bill: Ruben...
Posted by Akipo on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 02:39:00 PST

Ipacec News!

RECORD RELEASE PARTY!We've decided kind of last minute (as usual) that we couldn't let therelease of our new record "In The Absence Of Truth" pass without somesort of celebration. For those of you in ...
Posted by Akipo on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 01:48:00 PST


hello to all... this is a space about photography and illustration mainly to do with music and bands that will attract my interest and would like to collaborate!   so see you soon!...
Posted by Akipo on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 06:01:00 PST