Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries profile picture

Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries

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Welcome to the inStrengths Dreams Café on MySpace

It's All About Relationships - Bliss and Passion for Christ and Each other ....

... and Your Journey of Intimacy

inStrengths is a ministry to Women and to Those Who Love Them – especially to busy women, and women in leadership.It is a ministry to the “Battle-Worn-Weary” to find Rest, Tranquility, Well-being, Wellnes, and Strength - in their Relationships with themselves and God, and with others - and to find Hope and Joy again.For many it’s time to Stop, Unwind, Breathe and Exhale! It’s time to surrender to being nurtured and bring into harmony all the myriads of activities which we women feel we should and ought to do, and lay them all at His feet. Thus strengthened we, once again, can face life and the battles.As vitally important as spiritual warfare is (and we need intercessors, please), inStrengths focuses on spiritual soaking, emotional and physical wellness, flowing in the strength of each individual's various strengths, enhanced marital intimacy, and being able to breathe again, to help create balance, and above all, to move into a greater intimate closeness with our Lord Jesus Christ.With over 26 years in the ministry, plus being a qualified business/organizational psychologist, it is our passion to assist and serve especially ministers.* Anointed & appointed women of God are often in the worst 'firing lines', and at times lack certain skills and knowledge to bring the best out of themselves and their people/loved ones around them – or even to acknowledge that they cannot be effective neglecting and depleting themselves.Whilst inStrengths is primarily a ministry to women, we would like to honour the Godly men amongst us. We are grateful for all the wonderful men for their divine wisdom and support. With them, as a gift from God to us women, we will fulfill our destinies.inStrengths focuses on beauty, tranquility, rest, wellness, intimacy, hope and joy, both in Christ as well as in the physical/natural realm.
Rather than taking the tough stance of spiritual warfare,
we nonetheless beseech faithful prayer warriors, intercessors, and prophetic watchmen/women to come along side and under-gird this ministry with prayer according to the direction of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. - - - PLEASE NOTE ______ * Ministers, or people in the 'five-fold' ministry are not just in the pulpit. It includes those who God called to minister in the capacity of a professional in the work-place, business entrepreneurs, or any other area God positioned them, including the most honoured work of being a parent to champions!

My Interests

Will your intimate life have an affect on your public and professional life? If you're hiding behind the "Happy Mask", get help and start soaring in your God given strengths!

Rev. Angelika Regina Heimann BSc (Hons) MSc, a minister to ministers, is a speaker and confidante consultant for organizational relationships and couples. She likes to inspire women and those who love them - especially busy women, and women in leadership and influence. Her ministry is to the “Battle-Worn” to find rest, tranquillity, well-being, healing - in their relationships with themselves and God, and with others - and to find hope and joy again.

For more up-close & personal 'stuff' about Rev. Angelika, please click here or below in 'my Friends Space' on Angelika Regina Angelika ReginaSome of my many and very varied interests are: Preaching and teaching God's Word, ministering hope, healing and joy in professional and inter-personal relationships;
Prophetic evangelism. I especially love being in the company of Apostles, Prophets and Teachers.

Seminars and keynote speaking, personal consulting using biblical principles and cutting-edge science;

Travelling and getting to know diverse cultures and their treasures;
Psychology - Positive Psychology, Systemic Psychology

If you're visiting London, UK - or live in London, please check out Chiswick Christian Centre
Member of the following organizations:
Visit inStrengths JOI Project - Successful Happy Relationships
Visit Christian Professional Therapists Network Directory

The British Psychological Society
British Association of Christians in Psychology
European Network for Positive Psychology
The Association of Business Psychologists
The Fellowship Of World Christians

I'd like to meet:

Co-labourers in the ministry, pastors, leaders and their key people, ministers' wives, prayer warriors, intercessors, and prophetic watchmen/women, as well as Christian psychologists and therapists.

Relationship Gems

Romancing Your WifeGentlemen, let's face it. Some of you have a long way to go in the romance department. You know your wife wants it, you know you're supposed to do it, but it just doesn't come naturally...When you first begin to court a woman, your step is lighter and your inner Romeo is unleashed. Driven to win her heart, romantic creativity seems to flow easily. Every day is a new surprise: flowers, candies, love notes and dates. However, when “I want to marry this woman” turns into “We're married for life,” you often settle into a nice, comfortable rut. The stretches between your romantic efforts grow longer and longer, until you rely on Hallmark's annual reminder that it's Valentine's Day.Take heart, there will be tips and inspiration on inStrengths that will make that smile glow on her again ...__________"Sometimes our light seems to have gone out, but is blown into flame again by another human being.
Each of us owes their deepest thanks to those who have rekindled the light."
--Albert Schweitzer

"If you do not give right attention to the one you love, it is a kind of killing. When you are in the car together, if you are lost in your thoughts, assuming you already know everything about her, she will slowly die."
--Thich Nhat Hanh
"Standing beside you,
I took an oath
to make your life simpler
by complicating mine and what I always thought
would happen did: I was lifted up in joy."
--David Ignatow
"When it's right you can't say
'Who is kissing whom'"
--Gregory Orr
"For one human being to love another human being: That is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us, the ultimate task ... "
--Rainer Maria Rilke
"Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new"
--Ursula K. Le Guin
"Love flies, runs, and rejoices;
it is free and nothing can hold it back."
--Thomas a Kempis

"We're most alive when we're in love."
--John Updike
"The moment we chose to love we begin to move towards freedom ...."
--Bell Hooks
"A hug can pull you back from the edge.
Or out of your head.
Into a circle of arms and the sturdy comforts
of the present."
--Tracy Young

Check out this 'inStrengths Woman' Blog:

CLICK: http://instrengthswoman.blogspot.comThese are Angelika's views and insights addressed to busy women, and women in leadership, to help create balance, wellness, and above all devine intimate closeness with our Lord Jesus Christ.

"A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape...
But a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.A strong woman isn't afraid of anything...
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her...
But a woman of strength gives her best to everyone.A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessings and capitalizes on them.A strong woman walks surefootedly...
But a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls.A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face...
But a woman of strength wears grace.A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey...
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong."- Cathy Berry

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The background image of this MySpace profile is taken from the new inStrengths Ministries web site which is currently being developed.


Classical, baroque, jazz, atmospheric fusions, experimental jazz dialogues, jazz funk, Latin jazz, DnB, heavy rock, non commercial cuts, blues, .... Al Di Meola, Sarah McLachlan, Enya, Louden Wainwright, Planet X, Vangelis Mythodea, Kitaro, Takemitsu, Miles Davis, Billy Cobham, John McLaughlin,Prophetic Worship, Theresa Griffith, JoAnn McFatter, Ruth Fazal, Kim Clement, John Belt, Robert Stearns, Todd Bentley, Todd Ganovski, Joshua Mills, Steve Swanson, etc. .........


Check on my presonal MySpace page:


God TV and other Christian channels, Documentaries, History, Discovery, any educational programmes, Cookery, Interior Design, any Classical, Jazz Concerts or Opera.


Loads and loads of books ..... LOL I save on wallpaper, have overflowing book shelves instead ... here are some:
Birth of the Chess Queen, Now Discover Your Strengths, Finding Flow, The Power of Full Engagement,
Books by Martin Seligman, John C. Maxwell, C. Peter Wagner, James Goll, Rick Joyner, Patricia King, Cindy Jacobs, Bill Hamon, Graham Cooke, Bill Johnson, Kim Clement,
Books on Positive Psychology, NLP, Systemic Therapy, Psycho-Neurology & Endocrinology, Cookery, Interior Design,
various types of Reference books, the list goes on and one ... The Chronicles of Narnia, and of course:
The Holy Bible


Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul


Please visit this tranquil virtual Prayer Garden which is on Rod & Julie Anderson's 'The Prayer For the Nations Ministries' .... but DON'T FORGET TO COME BACK here again! (click link below picture)
Click here



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My Blog

Nuggets from the "Wisdom Skills for Couples" Section of the inStrengths JOI Project

  Nuggets from the "Wisdom Skills for Couples" Section (Group) of the inStrengths JOI Project   "In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities." -- Janos Arany"The supreme happiness of...
Posted by Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 04:53:00 PST

Where are you on your Journey of Intimacy?

  Where Are You on Your Journey of Intimacy?   It is so easy to apply the Pauline cry "less of me and more of You, Lord" in a way that is not very helpful. Christians can be busy, busy folk...
Posted by Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 04:16:00 PST

Having more of what you desire

  Having More of What You Desire   Have you ever caught yourself feeling emotionally and physically totally drained, overwhelmed by the pressure of really needing something, or even wanting...
Posted by Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 04:04:00 PST

Taking Offense .... Beware the Little Foxes

    Taking Offense .... Beware the Little Foxes     I am very grateful to be able to enjoy a church and pastors who keep pressing into God's heart, His glory and His presence. The...
Posted by Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:05:00 PST

Key Prophetic Word to YOU - A New Dance is Being Released! - by CHUCK D. PIERCE

  A KEY PROPHETIC WORD! Dance MY New Dance! You Can Fly! "The LORD would say, At this key intersecting time of moving forward, many seem to be hesitating. Many are also snared between two opinio...
Posted by Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries on Sat, 03 May 2008 10:31:00 PST

The Hazard and Joy of Living with an Open Heart

  The Hazard and Joy of Living with an Open Heart To travel on the Journey of Intimacy and move up to higher levels, we invariably come across having to deal with issues that caused our hea...
Posted by Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 02:47:00 PST

The Emerging Modern Day Ruths - Bob Jones

Recently, the Lord has been nudging me to update a teaching series entitled "The End-Time Bride of Christ", a revelatory types and shadows teaching which I taught in serveral Bible colleges. ...
Posted by Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:08:00 PST

How do you know if he/she is God's will for you?

  HOW DO YOU KNOW IF HE / SHE IS GOD'S WILL FOR YOU?  Are you (or someone you know) getting married to the right one for the right reasons? Or are you just in love with love? Love is N...
Posted by Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 02:11:00 PST

His heartbeat for you ....

  We worship Him. We worship at His feet, but who are His feet? And who are at His feet washing them with their tears?... those who love Him above all else, sent by Him ... and ...
Posted by Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:57:00 PST

A simple truth about happiness and time management

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in aday are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar... and the coffee...A professor stood before his class and had some items in ...
Posted by Angelika R. Heimann - inStrengths Ministries on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:40:00 PST