MY JURNEY BACK TO CHRISTIANITYWhen I was a child, I was raised as a Mormon and I live the Mormon way of life until I was 30. I left the church and all Christianity, and any church that had any control on me or over me. The reason I left the Mormon Church was because how I was treated at a very bad time in my life. I was vulnerable, and I needed help and guidance that I thought I would have from the people in the church. This church and it’s people so devastated my life, and spiritually raped me because I couldn’t conform to their way of belief and having a man that held the so called “Priesthood,†that if there was a conflict of a decision to be made that the priesthood holder of the family and/or the church man would make the decision even though I disagreed.While I was working in a Bank in a small town that I will not disclose, the Mormon Bishop and his two counselor’s, came to my job and in front of all of my co-workers and employer gave me a supine to appear in a church court to be tried and be excommunicated. As to the reason I will not disclose. I went to the meeting to defend myself and tell my story. I walk into the meeting room and there was a long table with men sitting, discussing the situation about me. I was told to sit down and then they put a tape recorder in front of me, and I was to speak into the microphone my answers to their questions. They accused me of many things and after I was through with them I was told that I was excommunicated on the grounds that I couldn’t have children, and because of the accusations brought on about me that I was not fit to be a part of their faith. The next Sunday the men meet together at church, and in front of every man in that church they was told that I was excommunicated and why. I was shunned by every member, men and women in that church. I was so angry and hurt that my confidence that I had in that Bishop and that church was completely destroyed. The following Monday I come to my job to work and I am called into my employers office to be told I was fired. No questions asked. My confidence in God was destroyed. I was totally raped mentally by that church. I tried to kill myself because I felt I couldn’t take life anymore, I almost died two times, and yet I lived. Why? Why couldn’t I just die? After this I completely left all and anything that was Christian, Mormon or what ever faith for many years. I denied everything about God and I denied the Holy Spirit. I was so angry at God for what happened to me, and I felt that God was a mean, vengeful and angry God, to let this happen to me. I hated everything.For the next 20 yrs I tried and studied different religions and paganism. I got involved in the Pagan way of life. For sixteen years I was a Wiccan, (a Witch). I was a minister, and in clergy. I also did many idolatrous worshiping. I was a Tarot card counselor, and spiritual advisor. Then in the fall of 2005 my life took a turn for the worst and I had every horrible and horrendous thing happen to me. I lost my home, my marriage and every thing I felt I believed in. I hit bottom.That winter I started back to searching for God. I went to different Christian churches to find myself again. As time went I started to see when it was really scary, and I didn’t think there would be a solution to my problem, and things just happen to be corrected as if it was a miracle. This kept happening over and over. One day, as I sat in a church service, I felt as if a shower of electrical lightening feeling rain was falling from the ceiling down over me. I looked around me, I looked up and saw nothing. I sat there feeling this for fifteen minutes. I felt like I had a healing and a reconnection with God as this time. I ask some of the people at this church what it was. They told me it was the Holy Spirit. “The showering of the Holy Spirit.†I started taking Bible study classes and on Easter of 2006 I turned my life over to God, and asked to be baptized. I was baptized on July 29, 2006. Sense then I have had the Holy Spirit grace me each day. The baptism by fire, I now understand this, and it continues to happen to me. I stand up and praise my God. Yes I have totally fell in Love with God and Jesus. I have been forgiven, yes I have been forgiven from grieving the Holy Sprit and denying it, and I have been set free. In all of my 54 yrs of life and journeying the different paths I was on I couldn’t find God until I let go of myself, and release my control of trying to control things. By letting go, you let God do his miracles.This is my testimony of God, and of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They are real, and they are all encompassing, and full of grace. Forgiveness is the most precious gift we can receive, and the Grace of unconditional love that God has for each and every one of us, His children. Yes I am a child of God, and I stand up and sing Halleluiah to my God. Praise Jesus for his courage, and great love for me to save me from sin by his shedding of His blood, and dieing for me. I am forever grateful. Thank God for the Holy Spirit, the baptism of Fire. Yes the baptism of fire is the Holy Spirit. He is the healing force and life of it all.I FORGIVE YOU
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