Sideways Here We Come
Directed By: trophywife
Taken from A Low Hum DVD 2
Blue Skies-live
Camp A Low Hum '08
Alternative Press
- There's something uneasy about New Zealand band Die! Die! Die!'s music; it's almost as if their occasionally abrasive, always compelling songs could seizure off into any direction at any time.
- If the name didn’t tip you off, Die! Die! Die! have little patience for pop concessions. Abrasive and bare-bones, the band makes a lot out of a little… …the result is mind-numbingly satisfying.
-Even though Promises Promises is less abrasive than the last Die! Die! Die! album—with guitars less skritzy and vocals less spit-shoved over only slightly longer tunes—it feels more stripped down, with excitingly visceral, un-overtly lo-fi production.
L.A. Weekly
- Crunching the genes of Wire, Gang of Four and their New Zealand precedents like Bailter Space into a snarling hybrid, the groovy punk of Die! Die! Die! is worthy of its Russ Meyer–like name. The sickeningly tight power trio’s latest effort, Promises, is a bracing throwback to the future.
Impose Magazine
- The tension between dissonant noise and danceable pop is palpable, and the band does an impressive job of negotiating the two. For every half-spoken, half-sung tirade reminiscent of Black Flag, there’s also a fuzzed-out weird section that sounds like mid-career Sonic Youth.
The Big Takeover
- This hit the player and eye’s shot up! Totally in your face, like they’re playing vacuum cleaners, and their vicious, spare, distorto-pounding and vocals are hair raising like a splatter film.
ManagementStephen H Judge
Second Motion Entertainment
1205 Highland Trail
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
email :
[email protected]
+1919-370-4355 (office)
New Zealand Management
email :
[email protected]
United Kingdom and North America booking etc:
William Morris Agency
[email protected]
Australia booking etc:
[email protected]
New Zealand booking etc:
[email protected]
Publicity and Radio:
United Kingdom
Orbit PR
Alex Lee Thomson:
[email protected]
United States and Canada
Fanatic Promotion
Press: Dave Clifford:
[email protected]
New Media: Andy Silva:
[email protected]
Radio: Dan Yocom:
[email protected]