Parislut Whoreltin Doll profile picture

Parislut Whoreltin Doll

I am here for Dating

About Me

It's not my fault, I'm only a doll. And anyway if I don't have a brain, what can i do - I can only be naughty - remember my brother Pinocchio?
Basically I'm an imitation of all rich spoilt sluts that look exactly like me.
Who is my creator? I don't know exactly ~ some strange consortium of like minded individuals - perhaps partly a conspiracy of sick fetishest plastic surgeons. Perhaps the odd italian dollmaker with a penchant for wood. Perhaps even the odd billionaire tycoon and family. Just Add to that Fashion, Media and the Night ~ AND THAT leaves you with MOI!!

I was born into money dahling, again proving that if you don't work for it you don't have to appreciate it. My Papa's empire was known for it's consistent(albeit boring, unimaginative & repetitive) mock-splendour (PLUS those ever so yummy ferrero rocher choccies left on your bed.mmmmmmmm). Now the name is known best for evil Moi being laid out on that bed, (& internet video tapes of choccies being eaten ;-p )

Very *stoilish*

What else to say?
    I love designer clothes, shoes hair and make -up.I have an IQ of 24, so men feel confident and non-threatened by me. That is the real reason they all flock to me. Smart girls know shit about men.I am completely fake. I have fake hair, eyes, tits. I'm like WYSI *NOT* WYG. I hate real blondes. My mission is to fuck all their husband and boyfriends ~ hence proving my vast superiority.Did I tell you I was a slut? I'm a slut. And by the way, I'm a whore also. It's not my fault, I'm only a doll.
Parislut Whoretltin Doll Biography & Fast facts Sheet
    Name : Parislut Birth Date : I'd need to check.... Birth Place : USA Birth Name : MS Houston to you Height : Whatever the shoes make me Nationality : American Profession : Media Slut Hobby: Sex Best Known As : Party-hopping heiress and star of whatever
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My Latest News

My Interests

Tabloids & paparazzi ~ I'm this eras blonde icon.Fucking & BetrayalShooting porn videosShopping for designer crap - it helps me to forget my low IQMoney - i am a capitalistic bitch - you mean there are really people starving and dying somewhere??? - well dahlng why don't they just buy a new Prada handbag to help them remember that you can't be beautiful and thin without some pain....Ridiculous purse rat dogsCoke (Not the cola type) - obviously I am a coke slut - look at me - I'm a selfish, skinny stupid whore - of course I do lines....duh!And of course my main interst is me!Myspace Contact Tables , hosting by

I'd like to meet:

    Any men with functioning cock. I prefer thick long and hard cocks, but if you are drug fucked i might want to fuck you too - if you can't get it up, I can go down on you instead.I'd also like to meet beautiful women so I can be-friend you than fuck your boyfriend. I might even get it on with you, but not sure really....I may even leak lies about you to the press - because I am such a fucking shallow cow alsoOh well - at least you know who you're getting involved with.I especially want to meet JLos entourage & Mr Burns sychophant, Smithers ; so I can give orders, express my DIVA qualities and generally be worshipped.I don't see why everyone worships GOD - he never does anything that makes the tabloids.


Whatever is good to fuck to. I don't mind if its actual fucking, or fucking someone over. I mean at the end of the day if you can't fuck to it I don't want to hear it.


My Sex video tape What else is there? Oh yeah, there's a horror movie with me in it also. When my brain grows some more cells, I'll tell you the title.Duh,,,it's the HOTEL OF WAX


I did some designer clothese farm show with Nicole - god she's a stupid skinny bitch. Thats right it's a simple life.
Nicole, I have one message for you, Bitch....


What are they?


Me of course. I'm HOT

More stuff available at

My Blog

Millionaire Playboy present November's PlayDoll of the Month, London Holiday-Inn

Millionaire Playboy is proud to present November's PlayDoll of the Month London Holiday-INN You've all heard about my choccies video that's been floating around the internet? Well i know u all wan...
Posted by Parislut Whoreltin Doll on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:05:00 PST

Hola, it's only a fucking Margarita

EXCLUSIVE: PARIS BUSTED FOR DUI I was arrested in Hollywood early Thursday and charged with driving under the influence.  It's a total load of bullshit of course.LAPD officers noticed me driving&...
Posted by Parislut Whoreltin Doll on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 06:25:00 PST

Hello Hilton* - only sold in Japan

Only in Japan -- Hello Hilton Just when you hoped hysteria over me couldn't get any bigger, Sanrio, the strange beings behind Hello Kitty, have taken it to another level. They hav...
Posted by Parislut Whoreltin Doll on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 06:15:00 PST

Fresh Intelligence

My Ken Doll All I can say is Prove it honey...   Fresh Intelligence   We hear Bob Woodward's not the only respected journalist to have his objectivity swayed by access to the high and...
Posted by Parislut Whoreltin Doll on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 09:46:00 PST