fantasy readers, nice people, people who would like to be my customers, other attachment parenting moms and dads, knitters...
spirited away, everybody says i love you, gosford park, harry potter, lord of the rings, babe [yes the talking pig], singin' in the rain, the scent of green papaya, groundhog's day, wonderboys, bowfinger, the fifth element, the royal tennenbaums, the professional, lost in translation
wonderfalls, dead like me, amazing race, flavor of love, project runway, top chef, hell's kitchen, the real iron chef, ugly betty, nero wolfe, red dwarf, the muppet show, home movies, futurama, my name is earl, the office
garth nix - especially the sabriel series, his dark materials, wicked, harry potter, abarat, summerland, the magician's assistant and bel canto, the earthsea trilogy, magyk, juniper, children of god and the sparrow, some orson scott card, charlie bone, discworld