watch my arm in action!..................................................... ............................................................ ........................... Current Attitude, courtesy of Nine Pound Hammer: ............................................................ ............................................................ .................... I gotta go - down the road - outta my way pigfuckers, it's getting old. I'm leaving town - anywhere bound - call my name, I won't be found. ............................................................ ............................................................ .................... The motherfuckin' LoC somehow manage to make my anger and hatred sound so delightfully poetic: ............................................................ ............................................................ .................... SUPER TUESDAY... "It ain't a mystery, that US history was built upon the graves of native ways and beaten slaves. Yeah, we're all free and brave until we misbehave and there's just no escape from the crushing weight of the police state... Two towers falling down. I'll be at zero ground. We're flying friendly skies until the city dies. And you don't want to see, through human history, empires will always fall. This is the final call... I pledge allegiance to no flag. Top the bottle with an oily rag. We're building up an army fast to destroy the pigs and break the upper class. I'm only one, this is my voice, but you're gonna have to make a choice. I don't care if you disagree 'cause this fuckin' thing, it means the whole world to me!... We won't be hypnotized by all the media lies. It's time the truth is told when you're sick to death of being bought and sold. Our freedom's been misplaced - fuck that, it's been erased. The world's our shooting range. I'm gonna spare some change to bomb the stock exchange." ............................................................ ............................................................ .................... GRINGOS SON PUERCOS FEOS... "Stamping out the ancient cultures to spread a new disease. Sailing on a dollar sign across the seven seas. The banner waves white, blue & red, the locust's flight to swarm the dead, a buzzing plague to cage the lost. The spreading web breeds holocaust. The third world's in your sweaty hands. You bleed 'em dry & rape their lands. You loan 'em cash to kill their soils. White bureaucrats divide the spoils... Swirling red & blue lights flash upon the housing walls. My back against the lockless doors of countless bathroom stalls. Sifting through a puzzled life until the pieces click. Wading through America - the hate, the lies, the sick... I'm spittin' at the flag you wave. I'm pityin' the life you gave. The propaganda zombifies to stuff your head with hateful lies. And violence really keeps the peace all across the middle east. With diligence we scorch the soil and siphon out their precious oil... All these patriotic lies oft sicken me to wake. How much shit & disrespect are we supposed to take? While you chant amongst the bleachers "USA Is Number One!", we'll cheer the empire crumbling down to rot beneath the sun... We have to be the winning team, democracy's a dying dream. And everything is classified to keep our terror justified. We have to keep our engines filled, so what if foreign blood is spilled? I'm blind to the reality - if the media lies, it's news to me... This is what you're proud of when you wave your little flag: a sovereign nation brutalizing a wetted paper bag... And all the world's a cage; we're locked upon the stage... In a capitalist society we're threatened by autonomy. Their labor must belong to us, in cash & greed & god we trust. It's just another policy to cripple their economy, bury them in endless debt to the world-bank & the I.M.F. So I'm burnin' up the flag you wave. I'm dancin' on your fuckin' grave. You're sellin' devastating death, you're suckin' souls & robbin' breath. And your greed's a blasphemy, you're profitin' from misery. Where will all this madness end? When the money burns & cities rend." ............................................................ ............................................................ .................... and a quote... amazing how a guy 150+ years ago knows exactly how i feel today: ............................................................ ............................................................ .................... "Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown, or to any man or number of men -- go freely with powerful uneducated persons, and with the young, and with the mothers of families -- re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul; and your very flesh shall be a great poem, and have the richest fluency, not only in its words, but in the silent lines of its lips and face, and between the lashes of your eyes, and in every motion and joint of your body." ~ Walt Whitman, from the 1855 preface to Leaves of Grass. ............................................................ ............................................................ ....................
I fucked up my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !