MUSIC! Live shows, magazines, obscure cover songs, reading, cooking, walking around NYC, pointing and mocking, staying in bed, compulsive cleaning, Jack w/ ginger, digital cable, fresh sheets, hating on Atlanta, traveling, and collecting action figures/broken hearts/electronic gadgets/belt buckles/things from Bergdorf's basement.
Troublemakers and heartbreakers. AUTOMATIC DELETE MESSAGE LIST INCLUDES: 1. Anyone typing in broken English; 2. Anyone using my page as free advertising; 3. Crappy bands i've never heard of - You are doubly fucked if your sound is described as "Folk" and/or "Pop"; 4. ALL BANDS/ARTISTS who get my link from artists I actually enjoy: You're just a swagger-jacking jerk; 5. Old men/Way too young men. (You can't handle all this.)
Metal, punk, rawk, hardcore, hip-hop and all sorts of good (or intentionally bad) stuff: Misfits, NIN, Slayer, PJ Harvey, Mastodon, 16, Opeth, Anal Cunt, Cat Power, Into Another, L.A. Guns, Hank Williams (Sr. and III), Minor Threat, Eyehategod, Iron Maiden, The Faint, Leeway, Black Sabbath, H.I.M., Clipse, Pat Benatar, Fall of Troy, Melvins, Demon Hunter, Elvis Aaron Presley, At The Gates, God Forbid, Rancid, Johnny Cash, Finch, N.W.A, Lucero, Blondie, Social D, Turbonegro, Cursive, old Crue, most Dr. Dre productions, Clutch, Monster Magnet, The Ghost, Jay-Z, AFI, Skynyrd, Avail, Guns N Roses, Young Widows, Etta James, Beanie Sigel, Botch, Death From Above 1979, Diamond Head, Rick Ross, Rolling Stones, The Rapture and Kiss it Goodbye... could go on for days.
True Romance, Showgirls, Nightmare Before Christmas, Leprechaun in the Hood, Terminator 2, Sid & Nancy, Romeo Is Bleeding (Gary Oldman, much?).
The Simpsons, South Park, Project Runway/Top Chef, Discovery-Times Channel, 21 Jump Street, Conan O'Brien, Lost, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Anything by Vonnegut, Shakespeare, Wicked (before it became a musical), Motley Crue's The Dirt, pop/art/photo collections, Preacher trades, Truman Capote and about 200 magazine titles.
Lobo the last Czarnian, Hugh Hefner and your mom.