G R A C E profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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a Tomboy, Toys R' Us kid with good hips and an addiction to soy grande latte's.

My Interests

Vegetarianism, Yoga, Snowboarding, Mountains & Hiking @ Runyon Canyon, Pacific Coast & the Beaches, Traveling, Theatre & Set Design , Theatrical Lighting, Carpentry, Furniture Design, Building & Design: Interiors

Tattoos, Live Music, Medical Marijuana, Improv & Sketch Comedy...

...Did I say music? Oh yeah, MUSIC
!...and Movies





Anything: Clive Barker, Poppy Z. Brite, Anais Nin...Maybe I should put this myspace business to rest and start reading! I bet there are some really great books out there!


Sensei Jordan "I'm Gonna Break that ARM" DosSantos

My Blog

7 days a week, 13-15 hrs a day...

for the past month. I pass a picket line as they yell and scream at me. Its cool... but, I need a job too! They walked off ! I need to eat &  Pay Bills! It's my first day off in 31 ...
Posted by G R A C E on Thu, 18 May 2006 08:30:00 PST

If I did'nt get back to you, I will

Sorry chicos' & chica's. You know it is... livin' in LA LA land. I'm busting my ass and also being a lazy ass to add the Yang to my Yin. I def miss all my cyber junkie amigos, both ...
Posted by G R A C E on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 06:38:00 PST

After a BUSY week, I am counting...

the number of injuries i've accumulated... 4-black & blues (1- to the shin, after it got run over by a "ramming full-speed" road case, 2- one on each calf, one of those "I have NO IDEA where the h...
Posted by G R A C E on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:36:00 PST

Someone asked me once...

how many celebrities I spotted or worked with since I've been here. I feel compeled to say because I was very excited to see Vincent Gallo walk into MY Citibank the other day. I smiled. He, looking al...
Posted by G R A C E on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 03:18:00 PST

myspace became MyCrack....

and the HIGH is starting to wear off. Like an old lover who has now become predictable...
Posted by G R A C E on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 07:52:00 PST

FINALLY met "the M A N"

Ugh! Its been 4 days since I smoked the herbs.... A Looong time for my standards! I been broke so I'm trying to budget. Gotta be at work 1 am. Had a major headache and said FUCK IT!! Now, headaches GO...
Posted by G R A C E on Sun, 23 Oct 2005 08:43:00 PST

Kinda new at this...

Finally! I have succumbed to Modern technology and will now join your Friendship Revolution...  ...
Posted by G R A C E on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 04:17:00 PST