Static Nation is an electronic music trio from Israel formed in 2005.The band combines different types of trance music, mainly due to the members various music interests. Daniel Hofman, 1978 (Progressive/Tech trance) a.k.a Dj Hofman, born in Russia, started collecting psychedelic music when he was 16 years old, and played his first underground party in 2001. During the next 3 years he continued producing, collecting and playing progressive trance. In 2004 graduated a sound producing school, what led to the forming of the band along with a childhood friend, Aharon Shapira, born in Lithuania in 1982, a.k.a Dj Aharon (Tech house).He studied at a dj school in 2001 and played clubs and friend parties. When joining together, the couple produced music for a year, and Through joint work they met Slavik Kernos(classic music). Slavik, born in Ukraine in 1982, has classical music education since childhood, playing the violin for 16 years. In 2005, after meeting with Daniel and Aharon he discovered the wonder of new wave technology and musical experiment. Not long after the three released their first single 'Mechanic Dream' at Doof Rec. Currently they are working on new and improved materials soon to be released. ________________________________Contacs: msn
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