MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck profile picture

MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck

There is no Box

About Me

This profile was made at www.myspacereviews.com
Click the Gun to See MindBuck Media
Dearest all- I run a boutique marketing company called MindBuck Media as well as being a freelance writer and a novelist. MindBuck specializes in promoting creative businesses, projects and people in mindbuckin' ways that are interesting, provocative and make you say hmmm... I want s'more. We specialize in buzz campaigns (online and in the flesh) and any and all writing material including ebooks, website content, press releases, articles and brochures.

Creatively? I JUST FINISHED THE NOVEL I'VE MADE MYSELF INSANE OVER FOR THE LAST 11 MONTHS(!), and 1/4 through a second... I wrote "I'm committed to finishing the longer one before the end of September in between campaigns a couple of weeks ago" But shucks n golly, I beat my own fucking deadline. Now I hope to have a readable draft of both before the end of September. Why not?

More? I live in a haunted house and besides work, play and kids, it's hard not to become burnt out on exploding mirrors and dead animals. Oh, and an update: exploding light fixture with flames that went through glass. Extra new update! Dead cat showed up on the middle of the carpet in the studio. It looked asleep to me, but, obviously not. yeah, yeah, I know. It's pretty damn punk rock around here. PARIS BITTER HEARTS PIT is out and I have some new work there. I know where to get it in Paris - Shakespeare and Co. Maybe Powells in P-Town. Check em out. Independent lit mags are important to the salvation of the human race.
Feel free to peruse my BLOG if you get the chance- Who Doesn't like reading about little kids torturing animal gods, people with the hots for city buses, kinky psychotics and escaping murderous book characters. I haven't been posting much, but there's quite a lot of back story if you dig around. Some of it's clips from my previously mentioned novel.

My Interests

my kids
unopened envelopes
remembering the exact wording of a conversation
homemade mayonaise
new socks
pills that make ya high
my kids
remembering the exact wording of a conversation. Oops. Shit.
looking through the refrigerators of people I don't know very well
learning to spell
pretty much anything morbid
script writing
speaking french
playing guitar
learning Spanish
my dogs
rosé n Pernod
Designing interactive web games
tropical climates
figs and blue cheese
researching every possible question I have on the web

I'd like to meet:

Writers, musicians, site designers, agents, publishers, editors, people desiring excellent content writing, and yeah, I spell check when it's work...
Anyone wanting a kick ass buzz campaign for their creative business, new book, or art opening. I will consider bands as well, but am quite selective. And I mean that with love.
(and of course Santa, Shiva, Jesus, Buddha, The Tooth Fairy, Yo Mama, people who want to give me an advance on my book, and anyone else who feels they should fit into one of those catagories (artistic or mythological)


sweet, gritty, sad, simple, complex, lyrically driven, harsh, funny, songs that make you think of a particular instant the second you hear the opening measures. country, hip-hop, and ella/nina style jazz


Black Comedy, Action flicks with the exception of war, space and martial arts, esoteric


Soprano's Soprano's Soprano's


The joys of yiddish
a dummy's guide to stepparenting
the division of labor in society
Ya know, really Useful books.
Jus fuckin with ya. I'll start compiling a list.


people who are grateful to be useful in some way
the Amish kid who said 'shoot me first'
my kids
unembedded war correspondants ..

My Blog

Auld Lang Syne

Surely conceived during the post WW2 baby boom, Jude believed that his own father was born to a newly immigrated German-American man named Jan Himmel. Jude had found the name Jan and the name Himmel i...
Posted by MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 10:41:00 PST

Like a Humiliated Kite

Seth has just one nightmare per night. He curls himself into a tighter ball in the dog kennel in which he sleeps and dreams he is a shadow boy, the way he would look in a negative. Hair white, skin br...
Posted by MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 11:29:00 PST

The Orgasmic Washing Machine Band

The washing machine in the kitchen clicked to the extra fast spin cycle. Mooshing and headbanging along to the rhythm of whirling gray water, my bed thunked against the wall in a steady back beat. As...
Posted by MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 03:25:00 PST

More Fictional Noelle, No More Real Time Whining

When the large well stamped envelope thumped into my box that Thursday, I was still cleaning the kitchen. Who would have ever noticed the four tiny beveled edges that form the extra rectangles inside ...
Posted by MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 12:28:00 PST

And the Word Became Flesh.

At least it appears as if there has to be a first time for everything. Even for stories that seem as if they have been true forever. Even a first time for the story of the magician, the magician who w...
Posted by MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 11:21:00 PST

Pets belonging to Loving yet Sadistic Toddlers Need Janie

Walking up the stairs, I found Jane in the room just to the left. She was in the beginning phases of constructing a pretty, colorful beaded lizzard. When Jane saw me, she started to put her things awa...
Posted by MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 12:04:00 PST

Fuck Arthur Hart

A story that come trues after you hear it, or read it or think of it is in no way unique to the tortured magician discussed in the blog below. It happens to lots of stories pretty often- think of Cind...
Posted by MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 09:58:00 PST

A Newsy Holiday Letter from Mrs. Noelle Hart, our favorite Kinky Psycho

Dear Family,I meant to send out Christmas cards as usual, but things have been so busy I've decided to send New Year's cards or maybe Easter letters instead!Forgive the bulk nature of this corresponde...
Posted by MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 10:15:00 PST

The Fearless Baby who Lived in an Oven

(FYI, this is a bit rough, my dear beloved readers. It's hot off the ?)CHAPTER XWhile extremely open minded, Adele was also an incredibly practical person. Not a surprising pick as my mother's choice ...
Posted by MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:48:00 PST

The Vivasection of God

CHAPTER XMy dear friend Stephen was a kind man. Whatever turmoil and strife seethed within him was simply expressed by constant gaseous eruptions. Each more than the last seemed to produce a gentler m...
Posted by MindBuck Media/Jessica Buck on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:28:00 PST