my kids
unopened envelopes
remembering the exact wording of a conversation
homemade mayonaise
new socks
pills that make ya high
my kids
remembering the exact wording of a conversation. Oops. Shit.
looking through the refrigerators of people I don't know very well
learning to spell
pretty much anything morbid
script writing
speaking french
playing guitar
learning Spanish
my dogs
rosé n Pernod
Designing interactive web games
tropical climates
figs and blue cheese
researching every possible question I have on the web
Writers, musicians, site designers, agents, publishers, editors, people desiring excellent content writing, and yeah, I spell check when it's work...
Anyone wanting a kick ass buzz campaign for their creative business, new book, or art opening. I will consider bands as well, but am quite selective. And I mean that with love.
(and of course Santa, Shiva, Jesus, Buddha, The Tooth Fairy, Yo Mama, people who want to give me an advance on my book, and anyone else who feels they should fit into one of those catagories (artistic or mythological)
sweet, gritty, sad, simple, complex, lyrically driven, harsh, funny, songs that make you think of a particular instant the second you hear the opening measures. country, hip-hop, and ella/nina style jazz
Black Comedy, Action flicks with the exception of war, space and martial arts, esoteric
Soprano's Soprano's Soprano's
The joys of yiddish
a dummy's guide to stepparenting
the division of labor in society
Ya know, really Useful books.
Jus fuckin with ya. I'll start compiling a list.
people who are grateful to be useful in some way
the Amish kid who said 'shoot me first'
my kids
unembedded war correspondants ..