Here’s some context for this music:This all started on a stairwell in the summer of 2005. Löwenzahn mostly consists of me and the instruments i build. the daxophone , for example. on my out of date website, you can find an out of date description of my first daxophones, with which i scraped out my first mammalian moans.
I’ve built hundreds of these things. Lately I’ve been toying with some new ideas for instruments that allow me to play while standing up. BUT FAILING! FAILING CONSTANTLY. "Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt*" (the ’Lord’, Faust, Goethe, line 317). FAILURE AS A NECESSARY/UNAVOIDABLE CONDITION OF HUMAN EXISTENCE? But who would trust Goethe’s ’Lord" with any kind of authority or dominion over a thoroughly secularized universe! Are you sure you wanna fuck with D. Fiction?
The album is done, and it’s called You’re a Strong One. Dandelion is also about narrative and sing alongs. I want to offer something besides first person love stories, but fail! Anyway—no breakup songs/albums ever—I promise. "The revolution will be reconciliation" (Thoreau via Cage). I was playing with myself back when everyone was doing mixer feedback.
*Why striving?